DeLong Smackdown Watch of the Day for June 11, 2010: Gene Healy
Michael F. Cannon:
Twitter / Michael F. Cannon: I hear they're very absorb ...: I hear they're very absorbent. RT @nmkurokawa: Oil spills: bad. Illegal immigrants helping to clean up the oil: WORSE.
We would all be better off it it shut down. The (few) good people will be picked up elsewhere...
Gene Healy emails:
Prof. DeLong: given that I know both of the folks on the er, “retweet” you reference here, the fact that they were being sarcastic and that the thrust of what they wrote was pro-immigrant was immediately obvious to me. Not to you, I see; but given that Cato has long been in favor of liberalized immigration, didn’t it strike you as somewhat unlikely that one of our analysts would make a repellent anti-immigrant joke? Benefit of the doubt/principle of interpretive charity, etc.?