If You Did Not Think UCLA Law Professor Steve Bainbridge Had Lost His Mind--or Perhaps Had No Mind to Lose--You Do Now...
Wow! Just wow!
UCLA law professor Steve Bainbridge:
20 Worst Americans - ProfessorBainbridge.com: John Hawkins asked a bunch of right of center bloggers to list the "20 Worst Americans of all time."... I was one of the bloggers Hawkins polled, but as you'll see my list differs in a number of respects from the norm....
Aldrich Ames--traitor. Benedict Arnold--traitor. John Wilkes Booth--killed our greatest President, contender for #1 on my list if rank ordered. James Buchanan--feckless President whose inaction allowed the Southern rebellion to get off the ground. Aaron Burr--traitor and murderer of Hamilton. Robert Byrd--KKK member and the worst pork politician in history, plus an insufferable prig. Jefferson Davis--leader of the traitorous Southern rebels. Louis Farrakhan--race hate monger. Nathan Bedford Forrest--treasonous Rebel general, caused or condoned the mass murder of black soldiers at Fort Pillow, founder of the KKK, contender for # 1. Rutherford B. Hayes--President who threw Reconstruction under the bus to steal election. Paris Hilton--personification of the celebrity obsessed culture. Alger Hiss--traitor with really annoying apologists. Jim Jones--mass murderer and race hate monger. Ted Kennedy--Chappaquiddick, probable rapist, almost certainly a rape abettor, and progenitor of what might become socialized medicine. Bernie Madoff--worst financial swindler. Timothy McVeigh--worst domestic terrorist, probably # 1 on my list if rank ordered. Michael Moore--he just oozes evil. Ethel and Julius Rosenberg--atomic bomb traitors. Roger Taney--Chief Justice who decided Dred Scott and Ex Parte Merryman. Morrison Waite--Chief Justice whose decision in United States v. Cruikshank effectively disabled the federal government from protecting the freed blacks from white southern terrorists during Reconstruction.
Robert Byrd? Paris Hilton? Alger Hiss? Ted Kennedy? Ethel Rosenberg? Michael Moore?
Is this a joke? Unfortunately, I do not think so: I really think that Bainbridge thinks tht Paris Hilton, Ethel Rosenberg, and Michael Moore are among the twenty worst Americans of all time--worse than Jeffrey Dahmer, worse than Ted Bundy, worse than Richard Speck, worse than Charles Manson, worse than George Hennard, worse than James Huberty, worse than Jiverly-Antares Wong.
Talk about a really screwed-up sense of priorities...
The best comment came from a colleague: Gee, he must have woken up with a really bad case of fleas this morning...