When Was There a "Respectable" Republican Party?
Duncan Black asks:
Eschaton: The GOP Daddies Of Yore: Glennzilla raises some important points about Villager hostility to O'Donnell. Basically, Villager scorn is largely class-based, in that they're not for the most part objecting to the food she likes to eat but the fact that she uses the wrong fork to eat it and doesn't put her cloth napkin on her lap.... [L]ike Glenn, I don't know where this belief in a serious noncrazy Republican party comes from. They've been dominated by the worst for a very long time, and O'Donnell fits right in.
Perhaps there was a non-crazy Republican Party in the days of Gerald "Impeach Earl Warren" Ford? Or Dwight David "I'm Siding with Joe McCarthy in His Baseless Attacks on My Patron and Friend George C. Marshall" Eisenhower?