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Mark Schmitt Is a Very Smart Man: His Forecast from Last Summer

Friday March 4, 2011: The Value of Global History for Modern Political Economy


There is a growing faction in the academy arguing that education for global citizenship requires that students learn some "global history." Certainly our Political Economy major here at Berkeley has placed a lot of its chips on this bet. But is this argument true? What is the value of "global history" for the student and analyst of modern political economy issues, anyway?


  • Chair, J. Bradford DeLong, UCB Economics
  • Speaker, Alan Karras, UCB International and Area Studies
  • Speaker, Mark Healey, UCB History

Location: Blum Hall Plaza Level

Time: 2:10-2:40: Panelists. 2:40-3:10: Discussion. 3:10-4:00: Reception.
