Canada 2020 Speakers Series: Brad DeLong & David Dodge
Canada 2020:
Canada 2020 Speakers Series: Brad DeLong & David Dodge | Canada 2020: Ottawa, 9 March 2011 — Canada 2020 welcomed Brad DeLong, University of California at Berkeley professor of economics and former senior Clinton Treasury official, who delivered a keynote on where the US economy is headed. David Dodge responded with what this means for Canada. Don Newman, Chairman, Canada 2020 Advisory Board, moderated the event.
CPAC will be broadcasting the event.
This free event (host bar) is presented in cooperation with and the Canadian Brewers Association and is made possible thanks to the kind support of Amgen Canada, AstraZeneca, Bluesky Strategy Group, Inc., Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association, CIBC, Nexen, Pickworth Investments LP, Plutonic Power Corporation, Scotiabank, Suncor, TELUS, and individual members of the Canada 2020 Founders’ Circle.