Ron Paul and Feudal Society
I Think the Answer Is "Yes" (Broken Intellectual Property System and Bad Actors Department)

Could Microsoft Please Hire Some Programmers? A Few, at Least?

So my Mac has been very sluggish today.

And now I find out why.

I opened up one of Feynman's "Character of Physical Law" lectures this morning, and then paused it.

Now I find that Microsoft Silverlight Safari plug-in has been burbling away in the background, chewing up 30% of CPU time all day--doing absolutely nothing except waiting for me to click and shift it from "pause" back to "play".

Why does this company still exist? Why can't the market deal it the sudden, immediate, and merciful death it so clearly deserves?

I owe Dan Rubinfeld a big apology for ever doubting his judgment that the breakup of Microsoft would be an enormous economic win for the world...
