Has Anybody Successfully Taught the Financial Crisis as a Freshman Seminar Yet?
F4-5:30, Evans Hall 597. J. Bradford DeLong [email protected] 925.708.0467
Aug. 26: The housing bubble: Reading: Nocera and MacLean, All the Devils Are Here.
Sep. 2: Historical perspective: Reading: Kindleberger, Manias, Panics, and Crashes.
Sep. 9: NO CLASS
Sep. 16: Recessions and depressions: Mill, "Essay II: Of the Influence of Consumption on Production" http://tinyurl.com/dl20110612a; Keynes, "The General Theory of Employment" http://tinyurl.com/dl20110612c; Hicks, "Mr. Keynes and the 'Classics': A Suggested Interpretation" http://tinyurl.com/dl20110612d; Jacob Viner, "Mr. Keynes on the Causes of Unemployment" http://tinyurl.com/dl20110612e.
Sep. 23: Panics and recessions: Bagehot, Lombard Street http://tinyurl.com/dl20110612b; Minsky, "The Financial Instability Hypothesis" http://tinyurl.com/dl20110612f.
Sep. 30: The great moderation: Bernanke, "The Great Moderation" http://tinyurl.com/dl20110612g; Blinder and Reis, "Economic Performance in the Greenspan Era: The Evolution of Events and Ideas" http://tinyurl.com/dl20110612j; Rajan, "Financial Markets, Fragility, and Central Banking" http://tinyurl.com/dl20110612i plus discussions at http://www.kansascityfed.org/publicat/sympos/2005/pdf/GD5_2005.pdf http://www.kansascityfed.org/publicat/sympos/2005/pdf/Shin2005.pdf and http://www.kansascityfed.org/publicat/sympos/2005/pdf/Kohn2005.pdf
Oct. 7: The financial collapse:
Oct. 14: The downturn:
Oct. 21: Government policies:
Oct. 28: Politics:
Nov. 4: Sovereigns and their debts:
Nov. 11: NO CLASS
Nov. 18: Recoveries?:
Nov. 25: NO CLASS
Dec. 1: Possible futures: Reinhart and Rogoff, This Time It's Different