From the delong Twitterstream: September 29, 2011
Teaching Keynesian Economics to Your Bulldog about 6 hours ago from TypePad
Quote of the Day: Winston Churchill's Eulogy for Neville Chamberlain
@mattyglesias: SFO lunch options are hilariously upscale. Can't believe this city has a football team!
@BostonReview: RT @JoshuaHol Road to serfdom! RT @MikeElk: Docs show Charles Koch lured Hayek to US by saying he could get Soc Sec ht ... about 2 hours ago from web
@bradplumer: New Nordhaus paper: "coal-fired power plants have air pollution damages larger than their value added."
@aaronsw: Arnold @Schwarzenegger tells Michael Lewis he ran for governor as a joke:…
@moetkacik: Charles Koch to broke @FriedrichHayek in 73: "Never fear, there are these wonderful things, Social Security & Medicare… h ...
@pdacosta: RT @rayne_ea "Mr Market" has IQ of 100, mental age of 10, is unruly, myopic & forgetful - so don't take too much notice of ...
@normative: It's easy to mock the toy-plane bomb plotter, but just think what could happen if the FBI gives the next guy a dirty nuke!
Mirabile visu: I am to the right of Martin Wolf: "Time to think the unthinkable and start printing again"
Ron Suskind: Counterparties? Equity Holders?
Financial Times kills iOS app to avoid Apple tax, switches to HTML5, succeeds – Boing Boing