Three Questions for a Representative from the American Enterprise Institute
A Previously Unrealized Failure Mode of delong

America Needs a Very Different Republican Party


Daily Kos: Cantor's income disparity speech: 'How we make sure the people at the top stay there': When House Majority Leader Eric Cantor backed off from his "mob" characterization of Occupy Wall Street last week, some might have thought that this savvy politician was catching a clue about the national zeitgeist. Well, maybe, kinda, sorta:

The Virginia congressman, the most recent and prominent Republican whipping boy for Democrats, is heading to the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania to talk about income disparity and how Republicans believe the government could help fix it, an aide said. The speech will zero in on how Washington could help a "a single working mom… a small business owner… and how we make sure the people at the top stay there," the aide said…
