From the delong Twitterstream: October 5, 2011
RT @joshtpm: WSJ's Taranto living up to rep for chronic mendacity
RT @Nouriel: Obama told bankers in '09:I'm the only 1 standing btw you & the pitchforks. Bankers got a bailout & didnt change habits.Now ...
RT @ggreenwald: Maybe "journalists" who were former Wall St execs and now married to Wall St execs aren't the best ones to understand Wa ...
RT @alanbeattie: I know UK politics is full of spin, but a prime minister prebutting his own party conference speech is surely a first. ...
RT @NYTimeskrugman: What Do You Mean We, White Man? (Fiscal Policy Edition) about 15 hours ago from web
RT @greg_ip: Solow: In debt ceiling debate "the influence of serious economics has been zero, or perhaps less."
RT @greg_ip: Solow brilliant on economic history here, esp General Theory HT @MarkThoma
"We Must Not Allow Anyone to Put Them Back in the Golden Cage Where THey Have Been Pining Their Hearts Out"
RT @ModeledBehavior: .@mattyglesias re I think belief in promise of online learning strong among self-disciplined h ...
@daveweigel The New Republic: winning the global self-parody contest since 1914 about 11 hours ago from web in reply to daveweigel
RT @B_Eichengreen: Helene Rey describes how to restructure European debts:
RT @dsquareddigest: Today's concept of the day is "A Liquidity Crisis Is Not A Smaller Or Less Serious Version Of A Solvency Crisis". In ...
RT @rodrikdani: Just finished filming the panel on Milton Friedman and DeLong, Rajan, Murphy and I barely disagreed!