More Republican Mental Pathology
America Needs a Very Different Republican Party

Three Questions for a Representative from the American Enterprise Institute

Three questions for Dr. Mathur:

  1. The large increase in uncertainty about long-run fiscal policy came in 2001-3, when the Bush administration and the Republican congressional majority pushed through tax cuts and entitlement expansions without making any provision for funding them. I never heard anyone at AEI say a peep of criticism. How do your elders at AEI explain themselves to you when you ask them why they supported these mammoth increase in uncertainty?

  2. The large increase in uncertainty in regulatory policy came in 2009, when rather than embracing the Romneycare-Heritage exchange-based plan that became the ACA, and that is in fact very close to what Doug Holtz-Eakins and company said they would like to do during the 2008 campaign, the Republican Party. Did anybody at AEI complain about this political decision?

  3. Why are you on the macro panel rather than the micro panel?
