No, the Repeal of Glass-Steagall Was Not a Major Cause of Our Lesser Depression--But That Is the Wrong Question to Ask
David W4ssel: Our National Jobs Crisis

Twitterstorm delong: October 19, 2011

  • Wadhwani: We need to rethink QE and how to bail out eurozone

  • Macroadvisers: Can Refinancing Reinvigorate the Recovery?

  • Mike Konczal: 'Shorter Richard Fisher, using the phrase [of] Chernyshevsky... “the worse the better.”'

  • Scott Sumner: What would Narayana Kocherlakota have done in 1933?

  • RT @elidourado: What do we want? NGDP level targeting! When do we want it? Four years ago!

  • RT @davidmwessel: RT @steveliesman: Boston Fed's Rosengren tells #Cnbc Fed should target 7% unemployment, 2.5-3% inflation.

  • RT @pwire: 50% of Americans don't think Obama deserves re-election, yet none of the leading GOPers tops him in new poll...

  • RT @DanaGoldstein: Remind me again how birth control is one of the greatest threats facing america?

  • What Needs to Happen for the Fed to Successfully Target the Level of Nominal GDP?

  • RT @INETeconomics: "A currency union with structural mercantilists in the core now threatens a permanent slump in the periphery" - M. Wolf

  • RT @tanehisi: Wife is reading Fred Doug for class. Just texts me "Douglass makes me proud to be black, I'm bout to cry in the library." ...

  • RT @gruber: Slate's "redirect all mobile users requesting a specific article to the home page" is absolutely maddening. Why do that?

  • RT @davidmwessel: What's chronic and what's acute about today's painfully high jobless rate? My column.

  • Boston Review — New Democracy Forum: Libertarianism and Liberty

  • Alp Simsek: "Speculation and Risk Sharing with New Financial Assets"

  • RT @TheStalwart: RT @jamespoulos: InTrade is pathetic. NOTHING on the possibility that baby Bruni-Sarkozy will eventually be crowned King of Rome

  • RT @dsquareddigest: "Europe Must Recapitalise Its Banks" is pretty much the king kong of confidence-fairy reasoning.

  • RT @dsquareddigest: Have I done "A Fiscal Fund Cannot Pretend To Be A Monetary Authority" as concept of the day, yet?
