Twitterstorm delong; October 20, 2011
RT @mattyglesias: Radical tax reform at twitter length: Land value tax + payroll tax w/ progressive rates + C02 tax + small wealth tax.
RT @DafnaLinzer: .@attackerman you only had to wait five minutes RT @aarondmiller2 will qadhafi's demise help obama? don't bet on it htt ...
RT @RyanLizza: Full version of that Romney ad is here:
The Post-Gadhafi Journalism You Will Read In The Next 72 Hours - Attackerman
Ari Berman: How The Austerity Class Rules Washington
RT @RyanLizza: Fascinating. Cain personally opposes abortion but thinks it should be legal. In other words he's pro-choice.
RT @sarahkliff: Why yes, I did want to read more ACO regs. #acoverload RT @philgalewitz FTC releases revised #ACO anti trust rules
RT @TheStalwart: 50% of Americans are in the bottom 33%
Oregon Economic Forum
RT @daveweigel: That was worth holding up for months @InhofePress: Obama nominee for Sec of Commerce, John Bryson, confirmed by vote of ...
RT @JamilSmith: Climate-change skeptic takes $150K from the Koch brothers to fund his study that ends up proving climate change. Oops.
RT @LOLGOP: "I Occupied Wall Street and all I got was the top 1% to shut up about the deficit."
@afrakt The AMA, AHA, and AMGA all like the ACO rule. Is CMS making eventual losers feel ...
RT @AndyHarless: I wonder if harping on the critical role of toughness in the implementation of NGDP targeting would help garner conserv ...