Twitterstorm delong: October 21, 2011
RT @ThePlumLineGS: GOP filibuster of jobs bill shows yet again that Repubs may benefit from blocking proposals w/public support:
Ezra Klein: Cain vs. Clinton: a flashback
James Kwak: The Bush Tax Cuts and the 99 Percent
@afrakt Yeah, well it's really a procrastination machine... about 14 hours ago from web in reply to afrakt
RT @mattyglesias: @daveweigel "Cuban born parents who came to America following Fidel Castro's takeover" is pretty unambiguously false.
RT @foxjust: Brilliant video on info design. @HansRosling and family explain the origins of @Gapminder
William D. Nordhaus: Energy: Friend or Enemy?
RT @RyanLizza: This could be fun: #rubiofamilyhistory My Irish grandfather arrived in America in 1920s. Fled from the great potato famine.
RT @xenijardin: "Life's a bitch and then you get moderated by one."—BoingBoing moderator Antinous, who is righteous.
RT @abuaardvark: The only thing I've managed to cross off my To Do list today is "1 - create to do list."
RT @MarkThoma: Bob Hall on Narayana: "His unfortunate remarks about mismatches" ... seems to be the general consensus here.
RT @ThePlumLineGS: This comment from a voter perfectly illustrates why GOP benefits from blocking policies public supports:
RT @crampell: Laura D'Andrea Tyson: The Infrastructure Two-Fer: Jobs Now and Future Growth:
RT @JustinWolfers: And they'll earn $570k more. RT @crampell: 2/3 of college students now graduate with debt, owing an average of $24,00 ...
RT @EricBoehlert: kinda says it all; RT @davewiner Cantor Cancels Income Inequality Speech After Learning It Will Be Open To The Public.
RT @afrakt: Why Employers Will Continue to Provide Health Insurance.
RT @andrew_leach: Shell Chairman: "We think the best policy mechanism is to cap CO2 emissions and allow for trading of allowances." Dam ...
RT @davidmwessel: Highlights of recent NBER forum on research on the global financial crisis