Reinhardt Heydrich Liveblogs World War II: November 29, 1941
Invitation to Gruppenfuhrer Hoffman:
Head of the Security Police and SD
IV B 4 -3076/41g (1180)Berlin SW 11, November 29, 1941
Prinz-Albrecht-Straße 8 >Personal.To
SS Gruppenführer Hoffmann, Race and Settlement Main Office
Dear Hoffman!
On July 31, 1941, the Reich Marshal of the Großdeutsches Reich commissioned me, together with other pertinent central agencies involved, to carry out all necessary preparations in regard to organizational, practical and material measures requisite for the total solution of the Jewish question in Europe, and to submit to him in the near future a general outline thereof. I am enclosing with my letter a photocopy of this order.
Considering the exceptional importance of these measures, and in order to reach a common greement on all aspects connected with this final solution among the central agencies concerned, I suggest that we make these problems a matter of joint discussion, especially because since October 15, 1941 Jews are already continuously being evacuated from the territory of the Reich, including the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, to the East.
I therefore invite you to attend such a meeting, to be followed by breakfast, on December 9, 1941 at noon, at the office of the International Criminal Police Commission, Berlin,
Am Kleinen Wannsee No. 16Am Großen Wannsee Nr. 56/58. (Following to a tel. call of Sturmbannführer Günther on December 4, 1941 street changed.)I have sent similar letters to Generalgouverneur Dr. Frank, Gauleiter Dr. Meyer, State Secretaries Stuckart, Dr. Schlegelberger, Gutterer and Neumann as well as Reichsamtsleiter Director Dr. Leibbrandt, Undersecretary Luther, SS-Obergruppenführer Krüger, SS-Gruppenführer Greifelt, SS-Oberführer Klopfer, and Permanent Secretary Kritzinger.
Heil Hitler!
Yours, Heydrich