Twitterstorm delong: December 27, 2011
waltershapiroPD Walter Shapiro With no sense of irony, Perry is now appealing to activist federal judges to disregard the Tenth Amendment and put him on Virginia's ballot. 59 minutes ago Retweeted by delong
delong J. Bradford DeLong "Edward Gorey's "The Trouble with Tribbles"" By Shaenon K. Garrity… 13 minutes ago
MattZeitlin Matt Zeitlin Do any of the executive's post-9/11 powers allow the US to forcibly repatriate Adam Posen to the Fed? 2 hours ago Retweeted by delong
noamscheiber Noam Scheiber What I appreciate about Ben Nelson: He spent lots of time making Dem policies crappier to aid re-election to a seat he's giving up. Thanks! 2 hours ago Retweeted by delong
MattZeitlin Matt Zeitlin Starting to think that the only feasible Fed decision/nondecision of Obama's that mattered was Bernanke's reappointment 2 hours ago Retweeted by delong
Judd Legum: FACT CHECK: Ron Paul Didn't Decide He Had Never Written or Read His Newsletters Until 2001 6 hours ago
waltershapiroPD Walter Shapiro With both Gingrich and Paul repudiating their newsletters, their loyal subscribers were the biggest suckers since heyday of P.T. Barnum. 7 hours ago Retweeted by delong
McCormackJohn John McCormack Gingrich applauded Romneycare when it passed in April 2006… via @allahpundit 23 hours ago Retweeted by delong
DemocratMachine VivaMachine! We may have helped create those Gingrich divorce papers too. Perhaps. #haHa #p2 26 Dec Retweeted by delong
DemocratMachine VivaMachine!
News: Newt Gingrich was a deadbeat dad, causing his wife to resort to a church fooddrive. Also, Ron Paul is scared of gay toilets #p2
26 Dec Retweeted by delong
stegermeister Benjamin Steger @ @delong Either Ron Paul is a racist, anti-semite or he swindled thousands of his own followers. Rock, meet hard place. 5 hours ago
MacroScope MacroScope RT @delong In Praise Of Jeremy Stein, Obama's New Fed Board Nominee | The New Republic 6 hours ago
MarkThoma Mark Thoma RT @delong: Shorter Stephen Williamson: call Krugman is wrong if I pretend Lucas said something different 8 hours ago
Joseph Force Crater @ @delong Newt compared himself to Yamamoto