Twitterstorm delong: January 11, 2012
DemocratMachine Viva DemocratMachine If Romney were President, he wouldn't have laid off some GM workers. He would have laid off all the GM workers.
crampell Catherine Rampell for 1st time since 1965, homicide falls off list of the nation’s top 15 causes of death, bumped by choking on vomit
delong J. Bradford DeLong @ @ModeledBehavior Yep. Center left. You guys like, care about things like equality of opportunity... 26 minutes ago
DanRiehl DanRiehl Romney threatened 2 excommunicate a young single mother if she dnt giv her soon-to-be-born son up 4 adoption 44 minutes ago Retweeted by delong
delong J. Bradford DeLong @ @ModeledBehavior Yes, you have, I'm grateful, but you are not center-right but center-left 56 minutes ago
ezraklein Ezra Klein Fiscal policy is under our control. Should have lots of upside risk and little downside. But the opposite is true 3 hours ago Retweeted by delong
moelane Moe Lane OK, Team Romney: whoever told Mitt Romney that it was smart to defend Bain by directly comparing it to the auto bailout? FIRE THAT PERSON. 3 hours ago Retweeted by delong
Ta-Nehisi Coates on Messengers: Louis Farrakhan and Ron Paul 3 hours ago
Not a Yahtzee - Scandinavia and the World 5 hours ago
natsecHeather Heather Hurlburt .@haroldpollack @marklgoldberg guess we picked wrong time to cut global health funding. totally drug-resistant TB 8 hours ago Retweeted by delong
mattyglesias mattyglesias Vultures and other carrion-eaters play an important role in a well-balanced ecosystem. #slatepitches 20 hours ago Retweeted by delong
delong J. Bradford DeLong Ron Paul Claims to Be "Heel-Nibbling". Rick Santorum Calls for States to Outlaw Heel-Nibbling
kdrum Kevin Drum I will, until he fesses up about the newsletters. RT @ktumulty: No one will ever accuse #ronpaul of being inauthentic. 21 hours ago Retweeted by delong
joshtpm Josh Marshall Funny thing is many Republicans have genuinely hard time coming to grips w/fact they lost the country's AAA credit rating. #sad 22 hours ago Retweeted by delong
delong J. Bradford DeLong @MikeElk Yglesias writes about 10 posts a day. In his last years at TNR Weisberg was paying Kaus $300/post. Figure Yglesias makes $750K/year 21 hours ago
CitizenCohn Jonathan Cohn Romney: Elect me or the country will get generous social insurance programs like they have in Europe & I brought to Massachusetts #GOP2012 21 hours ago Retweeted by delong
joshtpm Josh Marshall So awesome listening to Ron Paul talk about the disaster of fiat money. give me small leather bags of salt. thats currency i can believe in 21 hours ago Retweeted by delong
delong J. Bradford DeLong Jon Gruber at Escapist Comics, talking about his graphic novel "Heaalth Care Reform" 22 hours ago
davidmwessel David Wessel Recipe for QE3? SF Fed's Williams expects inflation under 1½ % this year and next, down from about 2½% in 2011. 22 hours ago Retweeted by delong
Santorum: Iran’s Scary Shi’ite Theology Warrants U.S. Attack | AlterNet…’s_scary_shi’ite_theology_warrants_u.s._attack/ 22 hours ago
neilbarofsky Neil Barofsky Just 15k net new permanent modifications for HAMP last month. #Fail
DemocratMachine Viva DemocratMachine Perry compares Bain to vultures. In response, Romney notes that vultures do a job that has to be done before being ushered away by aides 10 Jan Retweeted by delong
mattyglesias mattyglesias What do we want? Large scale GSE-facilitate mortgage refinancing! When do we want it? Now!
ModeledBehavior Modeled Behavior Like to think we @ MB have used our meager voices 2 say some of what @delong says center right should "Start by saying"
IcelandicEcon Olafur Margeirsson #relief you're joking, thought for a second you were serious RT @delong No, Austerity Is Not Contractionary 6 hours ago
sam_baker sam Hopefully CBO, but point stands MT @delong: Raising the Medicare Age Is a Bad Idea: Problem with the Media or CBO 7 hours ago
rootless_e rootless .@delong Even the "liberal" economists give a lot more credence to Hayek's crackpot feudalism than to Galbraith? Why ? 9 hours ago
rootless_e rootless .@delong Why is it that J.K. Galbraith's ideas have been completely written out of econ discussion ? 9 hours ago
jontalton jontalton RT @delong: The Crisis We Should Have Had 20 hours ago