Liveblogging World War II: February 17, 1942
Robert Stephens in the New York Post:
'PEACE' CHOIR CHANGES TUNE: Before the Nazis invaded Russia, a small mixed chorus called the Almanac Singers was using its talents to criticize conscription — already enacted by Congress. One of its songs had as its theme the vicious isolationist catchphrase, "Plow under every fourth American boy." Another referred to the Selective Service Act as "that goddamned bill." Last Saturday at the premiere of the government's morale broadcast, "This Is War", the Almanac Singers, now all-out for democracy and conscription, sang a number called "Round and Round Hitler's Grave."
Norman Corwin, director of "This Is War", chose them for his show after hearing them sing some innocuous songs six weeks ago on "We The People", A representative of Corwin said today that Corwin was entirely unaware of the singers' background….
Remember when the AAA
Killed a million hogs a day?
Instead of hogs, it's men today -
Plow the fourth one under!
Plow under, plow under,
Plow under every fourth American boy!…A boy's no better than a cotton plant;
But we are here to say you can't
Plow the fourth one under!These recordings were made by the Almanac Singers, who have now radically changed their tune.
The record album entitled "Songs for John Doe" was withdrawn and is no longer purchasable.