No Excuse for Anybody Interested in Good Policy to Vote for Mitt Romney
A correspondent writes, apropos of the astonishingly dishonorable Mitt Romney oped:
As I am sure you all remember, going into bankruptcy with no source of continued funding would mean liquidation for the auto makers and everyone understood that at the time including Keith Hennessy in public.
Saying he was for managed bankruptcy without a funding source was like saying he was for medical treatment but at the time refused to pay for the medicine or that he was for having a kid finish their degree only he refused to pay the tuition.
Other things of note: when he is blasting the pension slashing of non UAW folks, I assume he means dumping them on the PBGC, where their pensions would be much lower for people less than 65. but Bain did exactly that same move with several companies it took through bankruptcy--dumped the pensions onto the pbgc--so it's ironic he would be touting his private sector experience here...