Twitterstorm delong: February 16, 2012
radleybalko Have a look at the guy in the mug photo. Police say those injuries are from a single fall after he was Tased.…
Eric Boehlert and yes, that was a Bush-appointed judge who mocked @andrewbreitbart's legal team in Sherrod ruling;
David Leonhardt Hamilton Nolan on upper-middle-class self pity: "Money: once you spend it all, you don't feel rich any more." (Ht @ryanchittum)
Betsey Stevenson @DLeonhardt: The whole point is that the top 1% are not the upper middle class. They are rich!
Eric Kleefeld BREAKING: Bayer stock price up 1%.
Eric Boehlert @EricBoehlert leadership! RT @nationaljournal: BREAKING: Mitt Romney is skipping the March 1 GOP debate because of scheduling issues
Kat Hate to break it to Mr. Friess, but I can do a lot of things with aspirin between my knees.
Brian Beutler @brianbeutler RT @KagroX: Friess: Her aspirin said no, but her eyes said yes.
Garance Franke-Ruta RT @BuzzFeedBen: So is the damage Foster Friess did to Santorum today valued
Jesse Taylor Aleve would like to remind you that it's the doctor-recommended alternative to knee aspirin.
Sarah Kliff @sarahkliff In leaving the contraceptives beat for about an hour to cover Medicare, I apparently missed something involving aspirin and knees? #help
Matthew Zeitlin RT @ObsoleteDogma: Sigh. Next thing you know, Catholic hospitals will try to stop paying for aspirin for their employees. #backinmyday
Erick Erickson The more I think about it, and I know they deny it, I just don't believe George Stephanpolous's question on birth control wasn't coordinated
@EWErickson "Although they deny it, I don't believe Stephanpolous's question on birth control wasn't coordinated" JOURNOLIST LIVES!!!!!!
Tim Harford Exactly. RT @benschott: OK. For the last time, IMHO … ENVY is directed at what others have; JEALOUSY is protecting what you have.
emptywheel Again, Foster Friess and his wife either spent abt 20 years of their marriage not fucking, or he's used more than Bayer aspirin.
@TimHarford @benschott SPITE is conspicuous consumption in public so other people envy what you have...
Ed Schultz Fox News host to Congresswoman Maxine Waters "step away from the crack pipe"
David Leonhardt @BetseyStevenson Fair enough. I was using the self-description the group prefers.
Betsey Stevenson @DLeonhardt oh so you needed irony quotes around "upper middle class"
David Leonhardt @BetseyStevenson The point of Nolan's essay, on Gawker, is that UMC claims to be mid class -- bc it doesn't have much after spending a lot.
Nu Wexler Secy. Geithner to House Budget Repubs: "You guys just spent six months threatening to default on obligations. You call that leadership?"
Ryan Lizza So this means Newt vs. John King? MT @michaelpfalcone: Santorum hasn't "made a firm" decision on GA debate, but ... likely to skip too
Markos Moulitsas Best part about this year? GOP base no longer satisfied with dog whistles. They want entire agenda out in the open.
Markos Moulitsas RT @timkmak: Under fire by Paul supporters all wk, ME GOP is now recounting straw poll votes, POLITICO has learned
emptywheel One of the best parts of the Foster Friess BS is that he was lecturing a woman just 6 years younger than he is.
Markos Moulitsas @markos RT @KagroX: Man-on-Bayer #Santorum
Congressmember Bass since the contraceptive debate began, the leading voices have been men. Even Republican women aren't speaking out in support of this madness
Talking Points Memo GOPers asked if they would refuse to back a Prez hopeful who enacted Obama rule they detest. Awkwardness ensues:
Josh Marshall Romney pulls the alarm, says he's bagging on big Super Tuesday debate
Adam Goldman I faintly remember all this noise about feds reading underwear bomber his Miranda rights. AP has story about him going to prison forever.
Steve Benen How long until GOPers ask, "If Romney lacks the confidence to debate, what will he do vs Obama?"
Eric Boehlert i'm sure @ericbolling wishes @mmfa didn't exists; didn't catch him telling black Dem to step away from "crack pipe";
Garance Franke-Ruta RT @rushlimbaugh: Dems Ginned Up Contraception Debate to Fire Up Their Base, Divide the GOP and Distract from the Economy...
watertigernyc Sweater vests -- Nature's contraceptive. #everyoneonsantorumscampaignisinsane
Thoughts on Potential Output, Monetary Policy, and Economic Weblogging: A Comment on Scott Sumner's Comment on Bulla...
May We Please Keep Talking About Family Planning Until November?: Garry Wills Smacksdown E.J. Dionne Watch
Effects of the 2009 Recovery Act: Heartening News About What Economists Think--Although Caroline Hoxby and...…
David Roberts Yes, that was exactly the problem. RT @nycsouthpaw: @drgrist it's just much, much dumber than what you're thinking
David Leonhardt From '79 to '07, middle-class incomes grew 11% pretax and 23% after tax. For top earners: 73% pretax, 160% after tax.
Matt Yglesias You must play @dsquareddigest's Greece Choose Your Own Adventure right now!
Eric Boehlert Rep. Issa: no women allowed to testify about birth control. Santorum sugar daddy: ladies use aspirin as birth control; #gendergapGOP
DanRiehl RT @rollcall: .@stupolitics asks: Just how much does @MIttRomney hate @NewtGingrich?
Democratic Grandee on Romney on Detroit: "Gee, I know we Democrats are not at our most coherent on the campaign trail. But this is absurd!"
Jane Agdern @TPM Desperation will drive a man to say anything!
@TPM "Romney is a son of Detroit in the same way that Oedipus is a son of Laertes."
Garance Franke-Ruta Shakira attacked by a sea lion that mistook her BlackBerry for a fish. Via @zbyronwolf
Greg Sargent Any poll that gauges whether people think religious institutions should have to cover birth control is obsolete. That's not the policy.
Pam Spaulding THIS: MT @joesudbay: Been saying for years that theocratic GOPers weren't just coming for gays - birth control ...
daveweigel If we just keep debating birth control and fetal citizenship for a few months, the GOP surge will be unstoppable.
sarah wildman OMG. really now. OMFG. Santorum backer Friess: ‘Gals’ Used To Put Aspirin Between Their Knees For Contraception
"Iran is definitely to Santorum's left on birth control. Far to his left."
@TedGayer @justinwolfers 46-12 is characterized as "more evenly divided" Not "still an overwhelming majority"?
Justin Wolfers Survey of leading (D & R) economists asks if the unemployment rate lower b/c of fiscal stimulus? 33 agree; 2 disagree.…
davidfrum In a Florida cab listening to Limbaugh urge listeners not to be "disheartened" by improving economy
Talking Points Memo OHIO POLL: Santorum 42, Romney 24
The London Economist Antiendorses Mitt Romney
Amanda Marcotte @AlyssaRosenberg I know! Telling women how to use their benefits doesn't seem different to me than telling them how to use their salary.
Steve Benen Romney said Obama's plan "would make GM the living dead." Zombie GM is looking pretty spry
Jesse Taylor Bishop Lori unable to comment on Georgetown's provision of birth control benefits to employees. Because of conscience.
Amanda Marcotte @AlyssaRosenberg Of course, we must remember that religiously affiliated orgs AREN'T required to pay for BC, but insurers are.
Amanda Marcotte @AmandaMarcotte
I, for one, love that Issa is giving the Democrats reels of footage to use in campaign ads pointingAmanda Marcotte Is Issa working for the Democrats? Blocking women from testifying about women's health care is just too easy.
Jesse Taylor Amazingly, more women are involved in the fight over skirts at CPAC than a congressional hearing on birth control for women.
Brian Beutler Pelosi says she wants to leave the GOP nomination process to the GOP. "They're branding it in a very special way." #lulz
Mobutu Sese Seko Latinos were blocked from entering the Alabama statehouse yesterday. Why can I easily picture minorities denied entry to Alabama buildings?
Ana Marie Cox Or even a lady who agrees with him? RT @emptywheel: Does that also mean Issa has never heard of a woman minister?
Ana Marie Cox To be fair, all the women who Issa had lined up to testify canceled because had to go to the menstrual hut.
Amanda Marcotte Huh, you'd think if this is such a toxic issue for the GOP, they wouldn't fight so hard against contraception.
Matt Yglesias All-male House GOP leadership gets all-male witness panel to agree that all-male Catholic hierarchy should set contraceptives policy.
jennifer bendery Pelosi on fire today about GOP's birth control complaints: "I may at some point be moved to explain biology to my colleagues."
Mark Thoma Praises the New York Fed's Expansion of Its LOLR Role
Noam Scheiber's 'The Escape Artist' Is Leaking Out...
Matt Yglesias @Atrios definitely agree that we should hear more about Sweden. Great exchange rate devaluation success story.
Lobsterdammerung: An Interview with the GOP Chairman of the Maine Caucuses's Missing County
daveweigel The GOP chairman of the missing Maine caucus county says there are enough votes there to give Paul a win
Daniel Gross which MI voters that don't already support Romney does he think he's appealing to w/ false claims re: auto bailout?
Working spouses cause inequality? Can this emerging
Mark Thoma on the American Social Fabric
Paul Krugman: Cameron and the Confidence Fairy: An Update
Chris Blattman I am kind of shocked at how many of my PhD students are emailing or tweeting at 630am. I did not. They must be in another time zone.
Nate Silver Romney doubles down on "let Detroit go bankrupt" in Detroit News op-ed:
DeLong Smackdown Smackdown Watch by Digby and Company: Von Mises as Patriarch Edition
Mitt Romney Runs to the Left of Obama on Entitlements: Attacks Budget for Not More Spending More
DeLong Smackdown Watch: Gene Callahan Edition
@zunguzungu Two big questions: (i) what happens to current Greek debt? (ii) who pays for how much Gk gvt in the future? Different questions
klhoughton @stevebenen @delong Given the candidates who are skipping the 1 March debate, the only possible response is "KNEEL BEFORE Z/O/D/ GINGRICH!"
“@delong: May We Please Keep Talking About Family Planning Until November?: Garry Wills Smacksdown E.J. Dionne Watch
Rebecca Schoenkopf @delong "After buying all this Eames furniture and vacations and $2k/mo on clothes, we are poor, with just this house full of things!"
Alexander Cocotas RT @delong: @TPM "Romney is a son of Detroit in the same way that Oedipus is a son of Laertes."
Pragmatonomics Veritable pantheon of econ giants discuss Milton on PBS series incl: @delong @mattyglesias @bryan_caplan @amityshlaes…
RT @delong: The London Economist Antiendorses Mitt Romney
New Deal 2.0 RT @pdacosta: Citigroup saddled taxpayers with losses by lying to FHA, former employee says
Christana Romer and Manufacturing @delong
Eric Martin RT @delong: There's Racist Dog-Whistling, and Then There's ... Racism - National - The Atlantic
Roubini Global @delong on 'the first genuinely good new unemployment claims number since 2007':
Mahesh P-Subramanya “Fun fact: Siri does not recognize Inagaddadavida.” via @delong
Mike Konczal Paging Dr. Romer material RT @delong: 'The Escape Artist': Christina Romer Advised Obama To Push $1.8 Trillion Stimulus…
Dan Hirschman @delong If something happens 18,520 times in six years, it's not really a Black Swan is it?
Felix Gilman everyone's dose of posthuman horror for the day right here RT @delong Financial black swans driven by ultrafast machine ecology
Heath Graham Chilling phrase. Also, ping @cstross ! RT @delong: Financial black swans driven by ultrafast machine ecology
Helena ! RT @delong: Hoisted from the Archives: Unleash Chiang Kai-Shek!!
Chang Koo @delong What conservatives don't get is that just because there is a safety net, people, like acrobats, don't necessarily want to be on it.
Mike Konczal @delong @ObsoleteDogma @MarkThoma I must direct everyone to @Econofcontempt's epic post on Cochrane from moons past:…
Mark Thoma @delong Yes there's a point -- gov/reg bad, private sector good -- but is it a good point? Wallison is involved. Enough said.
Matt O'Brien John Cochrane: Lehman's failure didn't directly threaten other financial institutions cc @delong @MarkThoma
jontalton RT @delong: America's Cod Collapse
Tyler Cowen: "the sluggishness of the current recovery" (paragraph 6)… Huh??? @delong @MarkThoma
Ted Gayer RT @delong: @TedGayer "But not a lot of revenue". So? If we do one big good thing and lots of small stupid things, we wind up behind...
Patti @PatCPA @delong: Republicans Go All-in Against Contraception Watch
Stephen Bové RT @delong: Mind-Blowing Charts From the Senate's Income Inequal
You know who RT @delong Santorum’s involvement with Abramoff to protect sweatshops of Saipan should get some exposure.
Bruce Dust @delong: Every Time You Think the Republicans Couldn't Get Any Worse Tinfoil hats As required headwear party.
Jeffrey Joslin @TheStalwart @delong Habañero antidote: milk. Or vanilla ice cream if you'd prefer a nice, cool dessert.
Feb Benigno Piñera @delong: Robert Allen: The British Industrial Revolution in Global Perspective
Ellie K @ModeledBehavior Self-tweet!
Why don't you listen up to @delong? He KNOWS what he's talking about. And very patient w/you btw.