Thoughts on Potential Output, Monetary Policy, and Economic Weblogging: A Comment on Scott Sumner's Comment on Bullard and Duy
Econ 210a: Spring 2012: U.C. Berkeley: Memo Question for February 22: American Exceptionaism:

Twitterstorm delong: February 16, 2012

  • radleybalko Have a look at the guy in the mug photo. Police say those injuries are from a single fall after he was Tased.…

  • Eric Boehlert and yes, that was a Bush-appointed judge who mocked @andrewbreitbart's legal team in Sherrod ruling;

  • David Leonhardt Hamilton Nolan on upper-middle-class self pity: "Money: once you spend it all, you don't feel rich any more." (Ht @ryanchittum)

  • Betsey Stevenson @DLeonhardt: The whole point is that the top 1% are not the upper middle class. They are rich!

  • Eric Kleefeld BREAKING: Bayer stock price up 1%.

  • Eric Boehlert @EricBoehlert leadership! RT @nationaljournal: BREAKING: Mitt Romney is skipping the March 1 GOP debate because of scheduling issues

  • Kat Hate to break it to Mr. Friess, but I can do a lot of things with aspirin between my knees.

  • Brian Beutler @brianbeutler RT @KagroX: Friess: Her aspirin said no, but her eyes said yes.

  • Garance Franke-Ruta RT @BuzzFeedBen: So is the damage Foster Friess did to Santorum today valued

  • Jesse Taylor Aleve would like to remind you that it's the doctor-recommended alternative to knee aspirin.

  • Sarah Kliff @sarahkliff In leaving the contraceptives beat for about an hour to cover Medicare, I apparently missed something involving aspirin and knees? #help

  • Matthew Zeitlin RT @ObsoleteDogma: Sigh. Next thing you know, Catholic hospitals will try to stop paying for aspirin for their employees. #backinmyday

  • Erick Erickson The more I think about it, and I know they deny it, I just don't believe George Stephanpolous's question on birth control wasn't coordinated

  • @EWErickson "Although they deny it, I don't believe Stephanpolous's question on birth control wasn't coordinated" JOURNOLIST LIVES!!!!!!

  • Tim Harford Exactly. RT @benschott: OK. For the last time, IMHO … ENVY is directed at what others have; JEALOUSY is protecting what you have.

  • emptywheel Again, Foster Friess and his wife either spent abt 20 years of their marriage not fucking, or he's used more than Bayer aspirin.

  • @TimHarford @benschott SPITE is conspicuous consumption in public so other people envy what you have...

  • Ed Schultz Fox News host to Congresswoman Maxine Waters "step away from the crack pipe"

  • David Leonhardt @BetseyStevenson Fair enough. I was using the self-description the group prefers.

  • Betsey Stevenson @DLeonhardt oh so you needed irony quotes around "upper middle class"

  • David Leonhardt @BetseyStevenson The point of Nolan's essay, on Gawker, is that UMC claims to be mid class -- bc it doesn't have much after spending a lot.

  • Nu Wexler Secy. Geithner to House Budget Repubs: "You guys just spent six months threatening to default on obligations. You call that leadership?"

  • Ryan Lizza So this means Newt vs. John King? MT @michaelpfalcone: Santorum hasn't "made a firm" decision on GA debate, but ... likely to skip too

  • Markos Moulitsas Best part about this year? GOP base no longer satisfied with dog whistles. They want entire agenda out in the open.

  • Markos Moulitsas RT @timkmak: Under fire by Paul supporters all wk, ME GOP is now recounting straw poll votes, POLITICO has learned

  • emptywheel One of the best parts of the Foster Friess BS is that he was lecturing a woman just 6 years younger than he is.

  • Markos Moulitsas @markos RT @KagroX: Man-on-Bayer #Santorum

  • Congressmember Bass since the contraceptive debate began, the leading voices have been men. Even Republican women aren't speaking out in support of this madness

  • Talking Points Memo GOPers asked if they would refuse to back a Prez hopeful who enacted Obama rule they detest. Awkwardness ensues:

  • Josh Marshall Romney pulls the alarm, says he's bagging on big Super Tuesday debate

  • Adam Goldman I faintly remember all this noise about feds reading underwear bomber his Miranda rights. AP has story about him going to prison forever.

  • Steve Benen How long until GOPers ask, "If Romney lacks the confidence to debate, what will he do vs Obama?"

  • Eric Boehlert i'm sure @ericbolling wishes @mmfa didn't exists; didn't catch him telling black Dem to step away from "crack pipe";

  • Garance Franke-Ruta RT @rushlimbaugh: Dems Ginned Up Contraception Debate to Fire Up Their Base, Divide the GOP and Distract from the Economy...

  • watertigernyc Sweater vests -- Nature's contraceptive. #everyoneonsantorumscampaignisinsane

  • Thoughts on Potential Output, Monetary Policy, and Economic Weblogging: A Comment on Scott Sumner's Comment on Bulla...

  • May We Please Keep Talking About Family Planning Until November?: Garry Wills Smacksdown E.J. Dionne Watch

  • Effects of the 2009 Recovery Act: Heartening News About What Economists Think--Although Caroline Hoxby and...…

  • David Roberts Yes, that was exactly the problem. RT @nycsouthpaw: @drgrist it's just much, much dumber than what you're thinking

  • David Leonhardt From '79 to '07, middle-class incomes grew 11% pretax and 23% after tax. For top earners: 73% pretax, 160% after tax.

  • Matt Yglesias You must play @dsquareddigest's Greece Choose Your Own Adventure right now!

  • Eric Boehlert Rep. Issa: no women allowed to testify about birth control. Santorum sugar daddy: ladies use aspirin as birth control; #gendergapGOP

  • DanRiehl RT @rollcall: .@stupolitics asks: Just how much does @MIttRomney hate @NewtGingrich?

  • Democratic Grandee on Romney on Detroit: "Gee, I know we Democrats are not at our most coherent on the campaign trail. But this is absurd!"

  • Jane Agdern @TPM Desperation will drive a man to say anything!

  • @TPM "Romney is a son of Detroit in the same way that Oedipus is a son of Laertes."

  • Garance Franke-Ruta Shakira attacked by a sea lion that mistook her BlackBerry for a fish. Via @zbyronwolf

  • Greg Sargent Any poll that gauges whether people think religious institutions should have to cover birth control is obsolete. That's not the policy.

  • Pam Spaulding THIS: MT @joesudbay: Been saying for years that theocratic GOPers weren't just coming for gays - birth control ...

  • daveweigel If we just keep debating birth control and fetal citizenship for a few months, the GOP surge will be unstoppable.

  • sarah wildman OMG. really now. OMFG. Santorum backer Friess: ‘Gals’ Used To Put Aspirin Between Their Knees For Contraception

  • "Iran is definitely to Santorum's left on birth control. Far to his left."

  • @TedGayer @justinwolfers 46-12 is characterized as "more evenly divided" Not "still an overwhelming majority"?

  • Justin Wolfers Survey of leading (D & R) economists asks if the unemployment rate lower b/c of fiscal stimulus? 33 agree; 2 disagree.…

  • davidfrum In a Florida cab listening to Limbaugh urge listeners not to be "disheartened" by improving economy

  • Talking Points Memo OHIO POLL: Santorum 42, Romney 24

  • The London Economist Antiendorses Mitt Romney

  • Amanda Marcotte @AlyssaRosenberg I know! Telling women how to use their benefits doesn't seem different to me than telling them how to use their salary.

  • Steve Benen Romney said Obama's plan "would make GM the living dead." Zombie GM is looking pretty spry

  • Jesse Taylor Bishop Lori unable to comment on Georgetown's provision of birth control benefits to employees. Because of conscience.

  • Amanda Marcotte @AlyssaRosenberg Of course, we must remember that religiously affiliated orgs AREN'T required to pay for BC, but insurers are.

  • Amanda Marcotte @AmandaMarcotte
    I, for one, love that Issa is giving the Democrats reels of footage to use in campaign ads pointing

  • Amanda Marcotte Is Issa working for the Democrats? Blocking women from testifying about women's health care is just too easy.

  • Jesse Taylor Amazingly, more women are involved in the fight over skirts at CPAC than a congressional hearing on birth control for women.

  • Brian Beutler Pelosi says she wants to leave the GOP nomination process to the GOP. "They're branding it in a very special way." #lulz

  • Mobutu Sese Seko Latinos were blocked from entering the Alabama statehouse yesterday. Why can I easily picture minorities denied entry to Alabama buildings?

  • Ana Marie Cox Or even a lady who agrees with him? RT @emptywheel: Does that also mean Issa has never heard of a woman minister?

  • Ana Marie Cox To be fair, all the women who Issa had lined up to testify canceled because had to go to the menstrual hut.

  • Amanda Marcotte Huh, you'd think if this is such a toxic issue for the GOP, they wouldn't fight so hard against contraception.

  • Matt Yglesias All-male House GOP leadership gets all-male witness panel to agree that all-male Catholic hierarchy should set contraceptives policy.

  • jennifer bendery Pelosi on fire today about GOP's birth control complaints: "I may at some point be moved to explain biology to my colleagues."

  • Mark Thoma Praises the New York Fed's Expansion of Its LOLR Role

  • Noam Scheiber's 'The Escape Artist' Is Leaking Out...

  • Matt Yglesias @Atrios definitely agree that we should hear more about Sweden. Great exchange rate devaluation success story.

  • Lobsterdammerung: An Interview with the GOP Chairman of the Maine Caucuses's Missing County

  • daveweigel The GOP chairman of the missing Maine caucus county says there are enough votes there to give Paul a win

  • Daniel Gross which MI voters that don't already support Romney does he think he's appealing to w/ false claims re: auto bailout?

  • Working spouses cause inequality? Can this emerging

  • Mark Thoma on the American Social Fabric

  • Paul Krugman: Cameron and the Confidence Fairy: An Update

  • Chris Blattman I am kind of shocked at how many of my PhD students are emailing or tweeting at 630am. I did not. They must be in another time zone.

  • Nate Silver Romney doubles down on "let Detroit go bankrupt" in Detroit News op-ed:

  • DeLong Smackdown Smackdown Watch by Digby and Company: Von Mises as Patriarch Edition

  • Mitt Romney Runs to the Left of Obama on Entitlements: Attacks Budget for Not More Spending More

  • DeLong Smackdown Watch: Gene Callahan Edition

  • @zunguzungu Two big questions: (i) what happens to current Greek debt? (ii) who pays for how much Gk gvt in the future? Different questions

  • klhoughton @stevebenen @delong Given the candidates who are skipping the 1 March debate, the only possible response is "KNEEL BEFORE Z/O/D/ GINGRICH!"

  • “@delong: May We Please Keep Talking About Family Planning Until November?: Garry Wills Smacksdown E.J. Dionne Watch

  • Rebecca Schoenkopf @delong "After buying all this Eames furniture and vacations and $2k/mo on clothes, we are poor, with just this house full of things!"

  • Alexander Cocotas RT @delong: @TPM "Romney is a son of Detroit in the same way that Oedipus is a son of Laertes."

  • Pragmatonomics Veritable pantheon of econ giants discuss Milton on PBS series incl: @delong @mattyglesias @bryan_caplan @amityshlaes…

  • RT @delong: The London Economist Antiendorses Mitt Romney

  • New Deal 2.0 RT @pdacosta: Citigroup saddled taxpayers with losses by lying to FHA, former employee says

  • Christana Romer and Manufacturing @delong

  • Eric Martin RT @delong: There's Racist Dog-Whistling, and Then There's ... Racism - National - The Atlantic

  • Roubini Global @delong on 'the first genuinely good new unemployment claims number since 2007':

  • Mahesh P-Subramanya “Fun fact: Siri does not recognize Inagaddadavida.” via @delong

  • Mike Konczal Paging Dr. Romer material RT @delong: 'The Escape Artist': Christina Romer Advised Obama To Push $1.8 Trillion Stimulus…

  • Dan Hirschman @delong If something happens 18,520 times in six years, it's not really a Black Swan is it?

  • Felix Gilman everyone's dose of posthuman horror for the day right here RT @delong Financial black swans driven by ultrafast machine ecology

  • Heath Graham Chilling phrase. Also, ping @cstross ! RT @delong: Financial black swans driven by ultrafast machine ecology

  • Helena ! RT @delong: Hoisted from the Archives: Unleash Chiang Kai-Shek!!

  • Chang Koo @delong What conservatives don't get is that just because there is a safety net, people, like acrobats, don't necessarily want to be on it.

  • Mike Konczal @delong @ObsoleteDogma @MarkThoma I must direct everyone to @Econofcontempt's epic post on Cochrane from moons past:…

  • Mark Thoma @delong Yes there's a point -- gov/reg bad, private sector good -- but is it a good point? Wallison is involved. Enough said.

  • Matt O'Brien John Cochrane: Lehman's failure didn't directly threaten other financial institutions cc @delong @MarkThoma

  • jontalton RT @delong: America's Cod Collapse

  • Tyler Cowen: "the sluggishness of the current recovery" (paragraph 6)… Huh??? @delong @MarkThoma

  • Ted Gayer RT @delong: @TedGayer "But not a lot of revenue". So? If we do one big good thing and lots of small stupid things, we wind up behind...

  • Patti @PatCPA @delong: Republicans Go All-in Against Contraception Watch

  • Stephen Bové RT @delong: Mind-Blowing Charts From the Senate's Income Inequal

  • You know who RT @delong Santorum’s involvement with Abramoff to protect sweatshops of Saipan should get some exposure.

  • Bruce Dust @delong: Every Time You Think the Republicans Couldn't Get Any Worse Tinfoil hats As required headwear party.

  • Jeffrey Joslin @TheStalwart @delong Habañero antidote: milk. Or vanilla ice cream if you'd prefer a nice, cool dessert.

  • Feb Benigno Piñera @delong: Robert Allen: The British Industrial Revolution in Global Perspective

  • Ellie K @ModeledBehavior Self-tweet! Why don't you listen up to @delong? He KNOWS what he's talking about. And very patient w/you btw.
