Twitterstorm delong: February 24, 2012
RT @delong BBC News - Mild drought caused Maya collapse in Mexico, Guatemala || Eco-tipping points Rnt where you think!
Official statistics: Don’t lie to me, Argentina | The Economist
Is the Administration Joining Team Balance-Sheet Recession? | Rortybomb…
MT @delong James Kvaal: Romney & Santorum Tax & Budget Plans Increase Deficit by $Trillions || Hey, its what Reps do!
Mark Schmitt Reviews Geoffrey Kabaservice's "Rule And Ruin" | The New Republic…
Now We See the Violence Inherent in the System!: Steven Pinker Is Being Repressed! Department
Unlearning Economics @UnlearningEcon Wondering if people like Krugman and Delong are actually more dangerous than the more RW economists, by appearing reasonable.
Alchemic Architect @alchetect If the central bank succeeds in raising inflation expectations, it'll move the PR closer to the real interest rate
Ryan Avent Is Sick of Arnold Kling: Invisible Wage-Push Inflation Vigilantes Watch
Stephanie Kelton @deficitowl I'm more comfortable w/notion of a L/Trap than an IS curve! Keynesians use IS/LM @pilkingtonphil: @delong IS there even a 'liquidity trap'?
Bob Fishell @BobFishell @deficitowl @delong QE is admittedly over my head, but it seems to me the money just piles up in banks and doesn't stimulate anything.
Stephanie Kelton @deficitowl Reply Retweet Favorite · Open @delong QE is probably DE-flationary. Large deficits can be safe even outside L/Traps Fondly, Kemosabe…
Austin Frakt @afrakt @delong I defer. I'm not willing to infer conversion motivation. I convert when I don't want changes. At the WH, will scrub my name first.
moe tkacik @moetkacik All I know of these guys is they're both on my "libertrollz" list. Fight! @delong: Ryan Avent Is Sick of Arnold Kling
@felixsalmon People did not use to be: "Habemus enim huiusce modi senatus consultum, verum inclusum in tabulis tamquam in vagina reconditum"
@delong "when its elites are protected from their mistakes, societies fail." ~ jared diamond
Yes, we can! @supertascha Republican Presidential Candidates Lie All the Time, About Everything, Fiscal Balance Edition…
Frozen Dead Guy Days | To Freeze… or not to Freeze
Robert Silvey @rsilvey @delong Incomprehensible! A barren life, devoid of irony or semiotics!
Christina Romer: We Need A Regime Change at the Fed: Christina Romer: Macro and Other Market…
@mattyglesias Time to sing the hymn: "He Is Trampling the Ungodly with His Hooves of Red-Hot Iron"!!
Dutch Health Policy Edition: Republicans Lie All the Time, About Everything
Mark Thoma: Broadening the Base and Lowering the Rates Is Good Policy, But Not a Short-Run Employm...
Romney Tax Plan: Gimmicky Proposal That Blows Huge Hole in the Budget: The bar is much lower for...
I Think Jared Bernstein Gets It Right: JB: The Wrong Narrative on La...
@TheStalwart @modeledbehavior Are you saying I am being PWND by Modeled Behavior?
Gabriel Rossman @GabrielRossman Reply Retweet Favorite · Open @delong @plutocracyfiles Absolutely, you me, and @henryfarrell all agree on the tribute thing
@GabrielRossman @plutocracyfiles me to be as completely out of touch with reality as the Apple Computer passage made fun of by SIfu&co (3/3)
@GabrielRossman @plutocracyfiles lending it money or that the U.S. is paying imperial tribute to China by paying it interest seems to (2/3)
@delong @plutocracyfiles Agreed. Concretely you can see that w monetization of feudal obligations then the effect of credit markets on war
@GabrielRossman @plutocracyfiles But I am scared of chapter 12--the idea that either China is paying imperial tribute to the U.S. by (1/3)
@GabrielRossman @plutocracyfiles And then financial markets make thin-ties debt which is not a "thick ties" power-submission thing (4/4)
@GabrielRossman @plutocracyfiles phenomenon. Money enables arms-length thin-ties exchange and greatly enlarges your economic network (3/4)
@GabrielRossman @plutocracyfiles inherently a "thick ties" phenomenon. Balanced non-monetary gift-exchange is also a "thick ties" (2/4)
@GabrielRossman @plutocracyfiles Perhaps a triple movement? Unbalanced gift exchange create debt, obligation, and power and is (1/4)
@delong @plutocracyfiles In any case very glad to get an economic historian's perspective. Hope you blog a review when you finish reading
@delong @plutocracyfiles I don't recall though how early he makes this point
@delong @plutocracyfiles Actually I see monetization facilitating arms-length exchange as a central part of his argument.
@GabrielRossman @PlutocracyFiles you can exchange with people you barely know and may never see again. That's huge. Graeber misses it (5/5)
@GabrielRossman @PlutocracyFiles your exchange network can now become a thin-ties network rather than a thick-ties network: with money (4/5)
@GabrielRossman @PlutocracyFiles double coincidence of wants barter problem and makes exchange possible. It's that money means that (3/5)
@GabrielRossman @PlutocracyFiles Lydia/the Aegean around 600 BC with they invention of coinage. It's not that coinage--money--solves (2/5)
@GabrielRossman @PlutocracyFiles I'm reading. The anthropology is good--although I think Graeber misses completely what happened in (1/5)
@PlutocracyFiles @delong It's on p 96. The more sustained problem of "tribute" is all of chapter 12. Still, read the book, it's good overall
Clark Kerr on Dorothea Lange and Paul Taylor: About Dorothea Lange: Lange's Berkeley Connections: Professor emer...
Oh wow RT @UnaMullally: How to discredit your entire book with one sentence: (via @OrrCollins and @TimHarford)