Econ 1: Spring 2012: U.C. Berkeley: Revised Syllabus: Macroeconomics
W Apr 4: What Macroeconomics Is (Principles of Macroeconomics, lectures 1-3)
- Reading for Section: Seabright, Money and human relationships, Honor among thieves? Honor among bankers?
M Apr 9: Aggregate Demand and the Income-Expenditure Framework (Principles of Macroeconomics, lectures 4-5)
- Reading for Section: Seabright, Professionalism and fulfillment, Epilogue to parts I and II
W Apr 11: Dealing with the Great Recession (Principles of Macroeconomics, lecture 6)
- Reading for Section: Seabright, Prologue to part III, The city, Water
- Section: Second short essay: “Friedman and Director Friedman and the Politics of Economics” due
- Section: How to do problem set 7: strategy/labor/inequality
M Apr 16: Origins of the Great Recession (Principles of Macroeconomics, lectures 7-8)
- Reading for Section: Seabright, Prices for everything? Families and firms
- Section: problem set 7 due.
W Apr 18: Inflation Economics: Aggregate Supply and the Phillips Curve (Principles of Macroeconomics, lecture 9)
- Reading for Section: Seabright, Knowledge and symbols, Exclusion, Epilogue to Part III
- Section: How to do problem set 8: aggregate demand and supply
M Apr 23: Budget Economics (Principles of Macroeconomics, lecture 10)
- Seabright, Prologue to part IV, States and empires, Globalization and political action
- Section: Problem set 8 due
W Apr 25: Growth Economics (Principles of Macroeconomics, lectures 11-12)
- Reading for Section: Seabright, How fragile is the great experiment?
- Section: How to do problem set 9: inflation and unemployment, economic growth
M Apr 30: REVIEW
- Problem Set 9 due.