Republican Super-PACs Hate Abe Lincoln
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Ezra Pound LIveblogs World War II: May 17, 1942

Ezra Pound:

The propaganda for free speech in Britain (listlessly elegiac, retrospective) sounds as follows: “The murderer stole my watch but his wife told him not to.  We have free speech in this family.”  That is how it sounds HERE.  No one denies that free speech is a fine old British tradition.  One complains that it is a moth-eaten tradition: a shadow with small present substance.  The series  of outrages committed by British governments in the past.  Chesapeaken Leopard, etc. are in history.  That Bright protested, etc. during the United States Civil War, is in history.

What the B.B.C. does NOT care to admit is the profound resemblance between England’s divide et impera during our United States Civil War, and her policy on the continent of Europe.

All of which is most keenly analyzed in Mein Kampf, a book as slandered in England and as much obscured by press mud as any other.

It is the points to WHICH British free speech does not APPLY that we want to hear about.  Free speech has been cornered.  We complain that the British press was rotten, and had been for over a century.  My memory goes back considerably further than Mr. Bridson’s, whatever Winnie said in 1936: I can match it.  I remember  the pavements of London “WE WANT EIGHT” back before the other war started.

Winston was allus shoutin’ for gun sales, high pressure salesmanship of blood, cannon, and slaughter.  BUT at the same time upholdin’ a usury system which made it impossible to deliver the cannon.  Hence bringing slaughter on Europe.

It is not the question of British chauvinism, but the mixture of chauvinism and absolute utter dishonesty, and a refusal to look at the economic  causes of war that disgusts the foreign observer.  That some English people did NOT desire the war needs no argument.  The point is they dept on having governments that insisted on having a war.  The British people are NOT represented.  The B.B.C. may run a very good (up to a point) retrospect about Free Speech in England.  BUT to couple that with the unholy alliance with Russia does not convince the opponent of England’s bona fide, rather of idiocy and dishonesty.

Kumrad Maisky’s FACE, like the hindend of a pig, for example.  WHY does England suppose that Kumrad Maisky will hesitate any longer about bumping off George VI and Elizabeth, than his pals did about killin’ the Czar, with Temple of Canterbury sayin’ the blessin’?  No, Temple is a prize comic, possibly Lang WOULD  have pronounced an Episcopal benediction?  Temple don’t , I think, mean any harm, just fat headed.

Rhetoric about “our representatives in Parliament” is NOT the point.  The point is your Parliament does NOT represent you.  That is the syndicalist complaint against Parliaments in the old rotten borough or disguised rotten bank-borough form.

Every CONstructive measure proposed to camouflage the iniquity of your usuries is a slavish copy of the corporate state.

BUT without the corporate structure, just patchin’, and NOT hitting for the main evil.  Money is admitted by at least one B.B. C. yapper to be a financial label.  But interest?  When does that occur properly?  And WHO fixes the label, and in whose interest?  And IS there a Jewish problem?

Perhaps, along with Carlyle’s love for his wife, and the fine old husky sailor voices telling of the Chesapeake and the Leopard, there might be a historic sketch of the Jews and Noll Crummwell, and FEW probes into the WHY of the present struggle, and the REFUSALS to cooperate with the civilized world, and the hook-up with Russia.

Does the Bolshevic government stand for the best English traditions: free speech, and no taxation without representation?

Fat lot of representation your tax payers have had in this budget. Though I dare say they have been by now so hog swoggled by propaganda, appeals to their finest feeling, that they are ready to murder their children and grandmas in the cause of 60% on real deposits.  And a perfect fury of abuse and hysteria when some Frenchman opens a book of geography and discovers what was long since known to Theophile Gautier, namely that France is a part of Europe.  ON THE MAP, geographically, France is a PART of Europe, and her sanity  and welfare would consist IN functioning as PART of Europe.

Preferably a Frenchman, not a half nigger, half Jew bridged head of Anglo-Judaea. Some idea, that is the GEOGRAPHIC idea, may someday enter England. But no signs of British  desire to collaborate in a new order have yet emerged from eh British Bleat Corps halls of transmission.

Divide et impera.  I dunno who translated Mein Kampf into English.  Here Bompiani or someone had an idea, and stroke of genius, and printed the second half first, so Italian readers, some of ‘em, came straight on the program, constructive program, health, responsibility, personal, and a study of history.  Elsewhere in the book, you can see Hitler (if you have YET begun to develop an interest in that opponent of your infamies: you can see Hitler thinking about the evils of having Innthal, valley of the Inn, cut off from the rest of the German Volk.  You can see him, figgerin’ out for Germany, what a few Americans figured out for the United States of America.  Divide et impera.

of course, you are gittin’ divided for the same old Sassoon [who is] wantin’ U.S. farm boys to squeeze interest out of the Hindoos, now that T. Atkins is getting scarcer.

The rest of the  world is tired, bloody well TIRED  of having Chesapeakes and RESULTS: accompanied by Mr. Burglar Bill tellin’ Bill not to do it.  Yes, some British protested against chattel slavery.  The wheeze, the BANK wheeze, now KNOWN,  and recorded in history, being that wage slavery was CHEAPER, that LESS responsibility devolved on the OWNERS (alias employers) of wage slaves than on the owners of black slaves, who had to feed ‘em to keep up their workin’ potential  ALL that is HISTORY.

The world, especially Europe, is tired, tired, and the English stock, the part of the English RACE in the colonies was tired from 1750 onward of being sanctioned, of having their OWN  money censored.  Sanctioned, forbidden-their AUTARCHY, such as it was, sabotaged, their prosperity sabotaged by a kike gang or a sub-kike or super-gang of grafters and monopolists, headquarters in London.

And YOU will, I ‘spose, get your karma, your contrapasso when the head office shifts from Last Cheape, and Thredbobbin Alley over to Wall Street with Wailing included.  Shama Yssrael, the one true fatherland is the pawn shop.

Why take that INTO your so very [valued] tradition.  Beatin’ your breasts. Give us a nut to crack and God can crack it.  As for the people, one of your own living poets has beaten his hairy breast as follows:

We can think as we are told to think

We are the echo of the loudest bark

We are the arses kicked by better men

There is this very uncurious mixture in British propaganda.  The wailing wall, AND the reminiscence, the old lavender, the Spanish Armada, etc. The TRADITIONS, the better of which 20 years of British politics have done so little to maintain.

You can’t expect me to stenograph all your noises. [I'd] go out of my head when I wake up the next morning in a country that asks RESULTS and about which YOU apparently know very little.

Why, for example, should Hitler and Mussolini who have been through a great deal more than I have, who have been thru a great deal I have not, endured hardships I have not, why should they be scared by Mr. Hull, Mr. C. Hull or Eden, when these stiffed effigies can’t even scare ME?

Whey all this talk of German Staff regardin’ with fear and trembling the arrival of a few motor boats at Le Portel, or whenever, the 33 or whatever out of the 50 or whatever remained with their ammunition; pore devils?  TO take England’s MIND OFF England’s business, the business she OUGHT  to have been minding and HOW, since 1919, since Versailles defrauded Italy.
