Ezra Pound LIveblogs World War II: May 17, 1942
Nick Hanauer: The Inequality Speech That TED Won't Show You

Yes, Stimulus Spending in a Liquidity Trap Works

Spending and Growth  NYTimes com

Paul Krugman:

Spending and Growth: First-quarter growth results are now in for the major advanced economies; they look like this. Wait, what? Japan as star performer? What’s that about? Actually, no mystery. From Bloomberg:

Japan’s economy expanded faster than estimated in the first quarter, boosted by reconstruction spending that’s poised to fade just as a worsening in Europe’s crisis threatens to curtail export demand. So Japan, which is spending heavily for post-tsunami reconstruction, is growing quite fast, while Italy, which is imposing austerity measures, is shrinking almost equally fast.

There seems to be some kind of lesson here about macroeconomics, but I can’t quite put my finger on it …

: http://krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/05/17/spending-and-growth/?pagewanted=all
