Ezra Klein: Do Democrats Have Their Own Individual Mandate Level Flip-Flop? No.
National Review Continues Its Old Traditions...

Scott Brown Backs Out of His Debate with Elizabeth Warren

Since he appears to be behind, one would think that variance--and what are debates but variance?--would be his friend:

Kennedy Institute Rejects Scott Brown’s ‘Unprecedented’ Debate Demand: Republican Sen. Scott Brown’s terms for debating Democratic nominee Elizabeth Warren at the Edward M. Kennedy Institute in Massachusetts were rejected Tuesday, a move that prompted Brown to pull out of the event altogether. The Kennedy Institute rebuffed the Brown campaign’s demand that Vicki Kennedy, widow of the late Sen. Ted Kennedy and president of the institute named in his honor, pledge to not make any endorsement throughout the Senate race. “This non-endorsement pledge is unprecedented and is not being required of any other persons or entities. To us, such a pledge seems inappropriate when a non-media sponsor issues a debate invitation,” Kennedy Institute chief operating officer Lisa McBirney and chief of staff Christopher Hogan wrote in a letter released Tuesday.
