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Liveblogging World War II: August 11, 1942

U.S.S. Enterprise CV-6 Plan of the Day: 11 August 1942:


General Directive: Condition Watches; General Quarters; Air Operations; Field Day.

Routine except:

0500 Call pilots.

0510 Call Air Department and Squadrons.
Early breakfast for Air Department and Squadron Officers (30).
Early breakfast for flying personnel (8).

0530 Blow tubes.
0530 Call Idlers.
Air plot personnel, ready room talkers, elevator operators man stations. (This word will not be passed over the general announcing system).

0540 Flight Quarters. SARATOGA will conduct Morning Search and maintain Combat Air Patrol until relieved by ENTERPRISE during early afternoon.

0555 Alert the Watch.

0610 Launch First Inner Air Patrol.

0645 Up late bunks.
Early breakfast for Air Department and Squadrons.

0700 Early breakfast for Watch 1.

0730 (about) Be prepared to recover Inner Air Patrol when Task Force rendezvous is completed.

0800 Breakfast for Watch 2.

0830 Turn to. Field Day under supervision of Division and Junior Division Officers.

1100 Early dinner for Watch 2.

1115 Early lunch for Watch 2 Officers.

1130 Early dinner for Air Department and Squadrons.

1200 Dinner for Watch 1.
Lunch for Watch 1.

1240 Flight Quarters. ( Flight quarters will be delayed until 1330 if a 150 mile search is ordered).

1300 Turn to. Continue Field Day under supervision of Division and Junior Division Officers.

1330 Launch Scouting Flight. (If 150 mile search is ordered launching will be delayed until 1420).

1600 Early supper for Air Department and Squadrons.
Early supper for Watch 2.

1615 Early dinner for Watch 2 Officers.

1655 Set Condition of Readiness II, Watch 2.

1700 Supper for Watch 1.
Dinner for Watch 1 Officers. Flight Quarters.

1720 Land Scouting Flight.

1758 (about) General Quarters and darken ship at sunset.

1858 (about) Set Condition of Readiness II, Watch 2.

1900 Blow tubes.

The Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Fleet, has informed us that our shipmates in the Pacific Ocean Areas are watching our progress with great admiration and are wishing us the best of luck and success…..

Here are several items concerning the Air Operations conducted by the ENTERPRISE Air Group during 7 and 8 August 1942:

Launchings and landings: A total of 372 takeoffs and 366 landings were made without a single personnel or material casualty. During 7 August 236 takeoffs and 229 landings were successfully completed for a new record a single day's operation in a combat area. Twenty-five takeoffs and ten landings were made at night. Twelve launching and landing operations were conducted on the 7th; ten launching and nine landing operations on the 8th.

Pilot time:Ninety-one pilots flew a total of 1001 hours. Average pilot time by types: VF, 12.5 hours; VSB, 11.5 hours; VTB, 9 hours. One VF pilot flew a total of 18.7 hours during the two days. Another VF pilot eleven hours on the 7th.

Ammunition expended: 90,500 pounds of bombs were dropped (51-1000#; 79-500#). One torpedo was launched. 41,350 rounds of 50 cal. and 10,550 of 30 cal. were expended.

Gasoline expended: Our operations on the 7th required expenditure of 30,482 gallons of gasoline. 22,007 gallons were required on the 8th, for a total of 52,489 gallons.

Searches: On scouting missions, our VTB searched an area of about 125,500 square miles. TUNNIBULI BAY, MARINGE LAGOON, RELATA BAY, and GIZO ANCHORAGE were scouted and photographed by our VTB.

Special missions: On the 7th, one VSB obtained vertical and oblique photographs of vital areas of GUADALCANAL and a small island west of FLORIDA I. The photographs and interpretation reports were delivered to the 1st Marine Division Headquarters at LUNGA POINT by two VSB's using special message-drop containers.

Personnel and material losses: Six VF pilots and planes were lost. At least four of these were lost or missing after water landings. Two of three VF and the one VSB damaged in Combat have been repaired and are operating. The third fighter will be operating within the next forty-eight hours.

Damage inflicted: On the 7th our VF shot down 3 Jap twin-engine bombers, one Zero, and 5 dive bombers; 2 Zeros and 5 bombers were listed as "possibles" and one Zero was knocked down by a VSB free gunner. On the 8th our VF shot down 4 twin-engine bombers and one dive bomber. Total tally: 15 planes shot down and 7 "possibles".

Our VSB provided support to the amphibious forces during and after the landing operations, and our VF planes maintained a combat patrol over the TULAGI area. In addition to the searches conducted for combined forces, the ENTERPRISE Fighter Direction Group controlled all combat patrols over the carrier forces.

Fresh Water Consumption: 17.5 gals. per man - EXCELLENT

(Signed) W. F. BOONE
Commander, U.S. Navy,
Executive Officer.
