Romney Spox Says Romney-Fired Workers Should Have Taken a Time Portal Forward in Time and Space to Get RomneyCare in Massachusetts!
From Romney names Ryan the VP nominee in campaign concession speech — The League of Ordinary Gentlemen:
Tod Kelly:
Yes, you heard that right. In what was an obviously prepared quip for a softball FOX interview, a Romney spokesperson said that if the nice old lady who died of cancer had moved to Massachusetts in order to get socialized medicine, she’d probably be alive today. For months prior to this, the Right’s punditry had dutifully been trying to choke down the Romney candidacy, telling itself (and its audience) that you should ignore that pro-choice, socialized medicining, gun control advocate in the corner – he was a figment of your imagination! But this was too much even for them. It seems like just about everybody on the Right came down on Mitt, and when you listen their statements and read their comments, you get the feeling that it just felt good to say it out loud.
And so with almost a month to go before the convention, the Romney camp announced Ryan as the VP nominee. My assumption is that both here and elsewhere in the blogosphere, pixel ink will be devoted to an onslaught of “will he help or hurt?” predictions. They will all try to pick apart the words and deeds of Ryan, and attempt to find the tea leaves needed to declare the pick a success or failure. But all of this muttering will be beside the point. The fact of the matter is, it’s three months before the general election and Mitt Romney’s people have already started chucking up the kind of Hail Marys normally reserved for late October by the Dukakises of the world. Paul Ryan might be a great GOP VP candidate, and he might be a bust. Two years from now he might be announcing his 2016 exploratory committee, or he might be inking a five-year multi-million dollar deal with FOX. Or he might be a wash up. (Though I doubt this last one. He seems too smart for that.) He may indeed be many things, but the one thing he won’t be is the Vice President of the United States of America. If he had a shot at being so in the real world, and not just the “we’re-just-making-these-next-few-months-interesting” bizarro world that is horse-race election coverage, he’d be making the speech he’s making this morning weeks from now. But instead he’s making that speech today, because this race is over.