Four of Five Republican Supreme Court Justices Say Ryan's End-Medicare-as-We-Know-It Plan Is Unconstitutional
DeLong Smackdown Watch: Tsesis to Rakove to McCarthy to DeLong to Callahan to Weinberg "New Birth of Freedom" Blogging

The Romney Campaign Lies All the Time. About Everything. Especially Medicare

Outsourced to Jonathan Cohn:

Romney Campaign Attacks Obama For Medicare Cuts That Ryan And Romney Have Endorsed: Capturing the cynicism on display here isn't easy. I'm going to try anyway. 

Yes, the Affordable Care Act includes substantial cuts to Medicare. But Ryan's own budget… leaves those cuts in place and uses them to finance other priorities…. [T]he Romney campaign is attacking a proposal that Romney and his allies endorse.

The most significant difference… is how they handle the savings these cuts generate. Obamacare puts the money back into the pockets of people who need help with their medical bills…. Ryan's budget… takes those new [ObamaCare] benefits away…. [W]here would Ryan and Romney put the money instead?… [T]heir big new tax cuts, which disproportionately benefit the wealthy. If somebody is "stealing" from seniors here, it's not Obama.

The two sides have each proposed additional changes to Medicare, the most significant of which would start to take effect a decade from now. They represent very different approaches to health care policy and are worthy of a serious, honest debate. But it's hard to have that kind of discussion when one side cares so little about honesty.
