Noted for December 29, 2012
DeLong Smackdown Watch: Duncan Black on the Unwisdom of Clinton Administration Budget-Balancing Policies

At Least Ten Years too Late, Budget Arsonist Veronique de Rugy Is Sorry…

Budget arsonist Veronique de Rugy:

Salon (2003): With bipartisan opposition to the [new Bush tax cut] plan already evident, there is some question about how much of this [tax cut] proposal will actually survive the legislative centrifuge. For now, though, the die-hard supply-siders are thrilled. One of those happy tax cutters is Veronique De Rugy, an analyst with the libertarian Cato Institute based in Washington. She says she has been critical of administration proposals in the past — such as bills to boost education spending and federal farm subsidies — but she couldn’t be happier with the latest White House proposal. “I wasn’t expecting something so bold,” she says. “No one was expecting them to come with such a big cut in the tax on dividends”…

says now that she is sorry:

The Corner - National Review Online (2012): I have been saying for a while that the kind of fiscal deal it looks like the president and Speaker Boehner want may avoid broad-based tax hikes, but it won’t address our fundamental fiscal problems…. I understand that no one likes to pay more taxes. I also understand the negative consequences of raising taxes on everyone or  on higher income taxpayers only. However, there is a point at which Americans are going to have to make a choice between paying for the big government they claim they want or cutting spending. If we want a big government and the services it provides, we will have to pay for it or at least to pay more for it than we do now. And make no mistake, if we choose to maintain a big government, raising taxes on the rich alone won’t be enough. Taxes will have to go up for everyone, and they will have to go up much beyond a simple return to Clinton levels… 
