Republican Grifters Waving Guns
Now I Understand Why There Are 12 Million People in Dallas-Houston and Only 2 Million People in Kansas City...

Stimulus or Stymied? The Macroeconomics of Recessions (E0) (Panel Discussion): 10:15 AM-12:15 PM, Friday **Sunday** January 6, 2013

San Diego, CA: Manchester Grand Hyatt, Elizabeth Ballroom F

Panel Moderator: J. BRADFORD DELONG (University of California-Berkeley)

  • PAUL KRUGMAN (Princeton University)
  • HARALD UHLIG (University of Chicago)
  • VALERIE A. RAMEY (University of California-San Diego)
  • CARLO COTTARELLI (International Monetary Fund)

What would people like to see happen here? What questions should I ask the four panelists?

