Christina Romer Tries to Understand the Right Wing of the Federal Reserve
Other Predictions the Total Failure of Which Should Have Caused Certain Economists to Take Vows of Perpetual Silence...

Hoisted from the Archives from October 2010: Can I Please Go Back to My Home Timeline Now? Output-Gap Weblogging

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Brad DeLong (October 2010): Can I Please Go Back to My Home Timeline Now?:

If you had told me four years ago that come October 2010 I would be forecasting that highly-efficient American steel companies would be operating at only 70% of normal capacity in 2011, that the U.S. Treasury would be able to borrow for 30 years at 1.61%/year real and at 3.71% per year nominal placing all inflation risk on the creditor, and that the last six months' CPI inflation would be 0.1% at an annual rate...

...I would simply not have believed you. I would have said that that could happen in some strange alternate universe in which Spock was evil and had a beard, but not in any real world that could plausibly exist.

...I would have said that, in the real world, with that much excess capacity and those low borrowing rates, 90% of both the Senate and the House would get behind big programs to push taxes off into the future and pull infrastructure and other spending into the present.

How the &^#%^*@! did we get here? And why can't we get out?
