DEXIT: Jefferson Davis Leaves the Senate
Noted for January 21, 2013

John Roberts Blows It Again!

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John Roberts: Please repeat after me: "I, Barack Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear"

Barack Obama: "I, Barack Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear"

John Roberts: "that I will faithfully execute

Barack Obama: "that I will faithfully execute"

John Roberts: "the Office of President of the United States,"

Barack Obama: "the Office of President of the United States,"

John Roberts: "and will, to the best of my Ability,"

Barack Obama: "and will, to the best of my Ability,"

John Roberts: "preserve, protect, and defend"

Barack Obama: "preserve, protect, and defend"

John Roberts: "the Constitution of the United States."

Barack Obama: "the Constitution of the United States."

John Roberts: "So help you God."

Barack Obama: "So help me God."

It is true that saying too much rather than too little does not invalidate the oath. But that last sentence is not in the Constitution.

And if Barack Obama had actually obeyed Roberts's instructions to "repeat after me" and said "So help you God", he would have sounded completely ridiculous.

And from Prawfsblawg:
