Why Do Republicans Think Hating on Women Like Lena Dunham and Sandra Fluke Is the Road to Power?
.#NRI Summit on Twitter:
Phil Goldstein @pgold1230: #NRISummit @JoeNBC How does it feel to be the most reasonable person in the room? Lonely, I bet.
Virginia Dare @vdare: Diana Furchtgott-Roth chimes in that more immigration will create more "growth." @Heritage study down the memory hole. #NRISummit #tcot
Greg Sargent @ThePlumLineGS: Worked well for GOP in last election MT @daveweigel Scott Walker telling #NRIsummit liberals define success as how many people are on UI
Alec MacGillis @AlecMacGillis: Barone: contraception controversy helped win Obama "the Lena Dunham generation, about which the less said the better." #NRISummit #outreach
Justin Green @JGreenDC: I adore Michael Barone, but after this I'm not certain he's still in touch with America on demographics: http://washingtonexaminer.com/barone-going-out-on-a-limb-romney-wins-handily/article/2512470 #NRIsummit
James Wolcott @JamesWolcott: Know whose name is conspicuous in its absence at #NRISummit? Sarah Palin's. Twasn't that long ago she was the Reagan warrior princess savior
James Wolcott @JamesWolcott: Ted Cruz: another simplistic blowhard; his telling House R's to "stop reading NY Times" seems out of date--Agnew-esque. #NRISummit
Alec MacGillis @AlecMacGillis: Right after Scott Walker tells R's to stop talking so much about "fiscal cliffs" and "debt ceilings," Ted Cruz dwells on them. #NRISummit
daveweigel @daveweigel: First audience applause in a while at #NRISummit comes when @JoeNBC asks "why no Republican said 'break up the banks'"?
Alec MacGillis @AlecMacGillis: On a panel with six guys and no gals. Good times. RT @JGreenDC: Here we go: @jpodhoretz talking Sandra Fluke #NRIsummit
Eric Boehlert @EricBoehlert: perfect; RT @daveweigel: Fun @ByronYork's story: Republicans grumble Jindal used a teleprompter in Charlotte. (Ryan used one at #NRIsummit)
Ryan Riebe @ryanriebe: We have "freedom to do things in the world of bits, but not enough freedom to do things in the world of stuff." - Peter Thiel #NRISummit
Justin Green @JGreenDC Bizarre joke from Peter Thiel: "They promised us flying cars in the 60s, but all we've got are 140 characters on Twitter" #NRISummit
daveweigel @daveweigel; Cleta Mitchell denouncing "the left" for passing early voting laws.
daveweigel @daveweigel: Cruz says Kerry and Hagel are "less than ardent fans of the US military. Two of the people in that sentence are veterans. Guess which!
Alec MacGillis @AlecMacGillis: Ted Cruz says social mobility is higher here than in Europe. Even Rick Santorum acknowledges that this is no longer true. #NRISummit Retweeted by daveweigel
daveweigel @daveweigel: Cruz: "If you watched Fox News, you thought Romney was going to win with 70%." Earlier he told us not to read NYT. cc @fivethirtyeight
daveweigel @daveweigel: Cognitive dissonance at #NRIsummit: Lots of pro-life writers, speakers, activists, but none of the R electeds are mentioning social issues
daveweigel @daveweigel: Cruz says GOP should be for Social Security privatization again. Bigger actual fiscal idea than anything Jindal et al have said
Ken Thomas @AP_Ken_Thomas: At #NRISummit, @TedCruz says US House members should "stop reading the New York Times." Retweeted by daveweigel
daveweigel @daveweigel: Takes all of 40 seconds for Cruz to make an Obama TelePrompTer joke
daveweigel @daveweigel: #realkeeping from Ross Douthat: "If you can't find health insurance, Mitt Romney had nothing to say to you."
daveweigel @daveweigel: #waronwomen RT @timothypmurphy: First eight people in line to ask questions of all-dude panel are also dudes.
daveweigel @daveweigel: Fun @ByronYork's story: Republicans grumble that Jindal used a teleprompter in Charlotte. (Ryan used one at #NRIsummit) http://bit.ly/WsTLk6