Work and Search in Recessions: Theory, History and Measurement: Elizabeth Ballroom F: Manchester Grand Hyatt
Jan 06, 2013 8:00 am, Hyatt, Elizabeth Ballroom F American Economic Association
Presiding: VALERIE RAMEY (University of California-San Diego)
Cyclical Variation in Labor Hours and Productivity Using the ATUS MICHAEL C. BURDA (Humboldt University Berlin) DANIEL S. HAMERMESH (University of Texas-Austin) JAY STEWART (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Hours and Work Sharing during the Great Depression: Comparisons and Contracts with Other Downturns in the 20th Century PRICE FISHBACK (University of Arizona) TODD NEUMANN (University of California-Merced) JASON TAYLOR (Central Michigan University)
Job Search Theory and Unemployed Job Search over the Lifecycle MARK AGUIAR (Princeton University) ERIK HURST (University of Chicago) LOUKAS KARABARBOUNIS (University of Chicago)
- VALERIE A. RAMEY (University of California-San Diego)
- BRADFORD DE LONG (University of California-Berkeley)
- DALE MORTENSEN (Northwestern University)