Katha Pollitt Says--Rightly--for Politicians to Leave Brooklyn College Alone: Boundaries of Academic Freedom Weblogging
Proposed Panel 5: 2013 Kauffman Foundation Economic Webloggers' Forum: Friday April 12, 2013

Noted for February 7, 2013

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  • Walter Jon Williams: Fear Jerry Brown and His Army of Black Nationalist Cannibals!: "The Rift is a disaster novel. It may be that all disaster novels have a built-in sell-by date…. [T]ake a classic in the SF field, [Niven and Pournelle's] Lucifer’s Hammer. A comet hitting the Earth is still a threat relevant to today’s audience, but… the book’s villains--who, you may remember, were an army of black nationalist cannibals led by Jerry Brown. I’m thinking this is no longer on anyone’s Top Ten List of Things to Worry About (assuming of course that it ever was)."

  • Fabius Maximus: Too many “takers”? Look to science fiction for the hard-Right answer!: "Jerry Pournelle’s science fiction novels about Falkenberg’s Legion describe not just the problem of too many 'takers' (the 47%, a shiftless amoral idle mob) but also a solution: mass murder…. This should worry the rest of us, as evidence of the real polarization in American…. The opening to 'The Mercenary' (Analog, July 1972; later reprinted in his books) describing a world (“Hadley”) being ruined by the takers…. '"Then some blasted CoDominium bureaucrat read the ecology reports…. The Population Control Bureau in Washington decided this was a perfect world for involuntary colonization….50,000 people a year dumped in here…. These weren’t like the original colonists. They didn’t know anything, they wouldn’t do anything… oh, not really, of course. Some of them work. Some of our best citizens are transportees. But there were so many of the other kind." "Why didn’t you let ‘em work or starve?" Sargeant Major Calvin asked bluntly…. "Because the CD wouldn’t let us!" Banners shouted. "Damn it, we didn’t have self-government. CD Bureau of Relocation people told us what to do, ran everything…".' 'The Mercenary' has a happy ending — at least some will see it as such. The mob’s leaders (commies, leftists) and their followers gather in the stadium; Falkenberg’s troop blow them away."

  • Mark Thoma: Economist's View: Arguments For and Against the Use of Machines

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