Thursday Baker's Dozen Hoisted from the Archives: Keepers from June 2005
A Baker's Dozen Keepers from June 2005:
- Brad DeLong : Yes, Kevin, the Bush Family Are Scum: Kevin Drum: "JEB BUSH'S CHRISTIAN CHARITY.... I wasn't going to blog about this, but I can't myself. This is truly beyond belief: 'Gov. Jeb Bush said Friday that a prosecutor has agreed to investigate why Terri Schiavo collapsed 15 years ago, citing an alleged time gap between when her husband found her and when he called 911: In a letter faxed to Pinellas-Pasco County State Attorney Bernie McCabe, the governor said Michael Schiavo testified in a 1992 medical malpractice trial that he found his wife collapsed at 5 a.m. on Feb. 25, 1990, and he said in a 2003 television interview that he found her about 4:30 a.m. He called 911 at 5:40 a.m. "Between 40 and 70 minutes elapsed before the call was made, and I am aware of no explanation for the delay," Bush wrote. "In light of this new information, I urge you to take a fresh look at this case without any preconceptions as to the outcome." The Bush children have always been distinguished by a fiery unwillingness to back down combined with an almost bestial pursuit of revenge against anyone who has ever crossed them. They don't want to beat their opponents, they want to destroy them.'"
- Brad DeLong : A Short Dialogue on the Price of the Long Treasury Bond
- Brad DeLong : Thoughts Triggered by Pearlstein, "The Stock Ticker and the Superjumbo": The real catastrophe in today's America is what has happened to the Republican Party. Fixing that is job #1.
- Brad DeLong : Rumsfeld vs. Rumsfeld (I Can't Stand It! Department): I'll stop calling the Bush administration Orwellian when they stop using 1984 as an operations manual…
- Brad DeLong : DeLong Smackdown Watch: Julian Sanchez gives an effective critique of (i) DeLong's version of preference utilitarianism and of (ii) attempts to figure out how to implement it by asking people what makes them happy | Bonus Yes, Bentham Got It Pretty Much Right | Bonus Experience Machines
- Brad DeLong : Intellectual Garbage Pickup: This time Donald Luskin denies the existence of the entire discipline of statistics--the idea that a properly designed random sample can tell you important things aout a much, much larger population…
- Brad DeLong : Gourinchas and Rey on Exorbitant Privilege
- Brad DeLong : Glenn Hubbard on the Global Investment Deficiency: The core argument of Glenn Hubbard's recent Wall Street Journal op-ed is another of those extremely rare pieces in that space that is both coherent and insightful…
- Brad DeLong : Fat Tails and Constant Relative Risk Aversion: Marty Weitzman says to go read: Geweke, John (2001), "“A note on some limitations of CRRA utility.”" Economics Letters, 71, 341-345.
- Brad DeLong : Social Security Once Again: A Debate
- Brad DeLong : The Economic Sociology of Asset Market Efficiency
- Brad DeLong : An Historical Document: Long-Term Capital Management CEO John Meriwether Asks for Money
- Brad DeLong : Yes, It's Back!: The machine to end all machines