Moishe ben Amram and the "Nation of Takers": Wednesday Hoisted from the Archives from the Reign of Rameses II Weblogging
Liveblogging World War II: March 20, 1943

Society Telling American Conservatives: You Must Act Stupid If You Want to Be One of Us!

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Sarah Palin consumes 25% of her daily requirement of calories, and obtains no other nutrients at all…

Doug J.:

Career opportunities: There’s also this sort of thing:

What message did Sarah Palin send to her CPAC ’13 audience Saturday, and thence to the world, by sipping from a Big Gulp soda during her speech and, in conclusion, brandishing it as if it were a trophy? Oh, I know what message she intended to send: Don’t tell us real Americans how to live our lives. We’ll decide what’s best for ourselves and our children. Stop treading on our liberty. But… the message Sarah Palin sent was this: Republicans will start winning elections again by telling Americans they should be proud of acting stupid.

When I was in school, there was a lot of talk about population groups (classified by gender, ethnicity, class, income, etc.) not performing as well as they could academically because society — in some cases, other members of the population group — sent them the message that they must be stupid because they were poor or women or black. I think there’s something to that, people are affected a lot by what society tells them to think of themselves. And I think it probably is happening to conservatives today, to some extent.

Math is hard, let’s go drink big gulps.

Hey! Young conservative kids! If Sarah Palin jumped off a bridge, would you jump off a bridge too?
