Noted for April 26, 2013
Barbara Bush: On Jeb Bush in 2016: ‘We’ve had enough Bushes’: "He's by far the best qualified man, but no. I really don't [think Jeb Bush will make a White House bid.] I think it's a great country. There are a lot of great families, and it's not just four families or whatever. There are other people out there that are very qualified and we've had enough Bushes…. He’s the most qualified but I don't think he'll run. There are other families. He'll get all our enemies, half of our friends."
Henry Blodget: It's Official: Paul Krugman Is Right: "The Economic Argument Is Over — Paul Krugman Has Won: For the past five years, a fierce war of words and policies has been fought in America and other economically challenged countries around the world. On one side were economists and politicians who wanted to increase government spending to offset weakness in the private sector…. On the other side were economists and politicians who wanted to cut spending to reduce deficits and 'restore confidence'…. This debate has not just been academic. Those in favor of economic stimulus won a brief victory in the depths of the financial crisis, with countries like the U.S…. Over the course of this debate, evidence has gradually piled up that, however well-intentioned they might be, the 'Austerians' were wrong…. The argument is over. Paul Krugman has won. The only question now is whether the folks who have been arguing that we have no choice but to cut government spending while the economy is still weak will be big enough to admit that."
Greg Sargent: On guns, Dems hold the sensible middle ground: "Fox News poll: During a manhunt, 69 percent of voters want a gun This is generating a bit of excitement on Twitter. But here’s what this Fox News poll also finds: Would you be more likely or less likely to support a political candidate who voted IN FAVOR OF expanding background checks on gun buyers? More likely: 68. Less likely: 20. And: Would you be more likely or less likely to support a political candidate who voted AGAINST expanding background checks on gun buyers? More likely: 23. Less likely: 61…. Clearly, the liberal media conspiracy to manufacture false impressions of overwhelming public support for Obama’s gun-grabbing policies has spread to Fox News."
Sahil Kapur: GOP Conservatives Beg For Another Obamacare Repeal Vote: Feel Left Out of Failed Obamacare Repeal Rituals | Daniel Davies: Guest Post: Sympathy For the Dijsselbloem | It's Not That Simple | Mike Konczal: What's the Best Way to Help the Long-Term Unemployed? Full Employment. | Next New Deal | Henry Farrell: Post-Democracy in Italy and Europe | Yes. Steve Keen Is a 100% Bullshit Artist. Why Do You Ask? | When Nassim Taleb Attacks | Updates | Banksophilia | Paul Krugman: A Brief Note on Macroeconomics and Ethics | A plain blog about politics: Scott Walker's ACA Op-Ed and Lazy Mendacity |