Tweetweek: June 14, 2013
Get (much) smarter about labor's history and future by reading this terrific piece by @yeselson:
— Rebecca Traister (@rtraister) June 14, 2013
#IMF denounces #US fiscal policy #FT "Go slow but hurry up"; well put @Lagarde #economics @cdaude @HrReisen @delong
— Jean-Philippe Stijns (@jpstijns) June 14, 2013
@Pawelmorski The endnotes for the later chapters also really interesting, fwiw. Long discussion of Gorton.
— Matthew C. Klein (@Matthew_C_Klein) June 14, 2013
R&R/Alesina were debunked in last 2 yrs, but those doing their homework knew bigger deficits were key, not problem:
— Andrew Fieldhouse (@A_Fieldhouse) June 14, 2013
.@JeffYoung @CitizenCohn GOP sez: "ObamaCare pplr with moochers, unpplr with makers". John Galt fears adverse selection NOT!! #talklikeyoda
— J. Bradford DeLong (@delong) June 14, 2013
Perspective: Josh Marshall has a strange and interesting post on Edward Snowden and leaks generally. It's hard...
— Ryan L. Cooper (@ryanlcooper) June 14, 2013
.@AAMCommons Are you really saying that whether Janet Yellen was nominated by the president and confirmed by the senate needs to be proved?
— J. Bradford DeLong (@delong) June 14, 2013
.@asymmetricinfo I get where you're coming from: "I added a discussion of LQ to my 6th ed" does sound rather lame…
— J. Bradford DeLong (@delong) June 13, 2013
.@moiracathleen If you tell me Janet Yellen is a private banker or does banks' bidding, you are either wrong or a conspiracy theorist
— J. Bradford DeLong (@delong) June 13, 2013
.@moiracathleen The FOMC has enormous impact on the economy. Enormous...
— J. Bradford DeLong (@delong) June 13, 2013
.@moiracathleen You make me bang my head against the wall. Why say wrong things? 7/7 votes on the Board & 7/12 votes on the FOMC are PAS.
— J. Bradford DeLong (@delong) June 13, 2013
.@alon_levy You know suspiciously much. Who do you *really* work for? @joshtpm @brianbeutler
— J. Bradford DeLong (@delong) June 13, 2013
@froomkin @delong I call that the "monkey with a dictaphone" - AKA @davidgregory - AKA "Thanks for coming in and giving us your views."
— Peter Kaufman (@inklake) June 13, 2013
The conservative view of Obamacare is driven in part by a delusional appraisal of public opinion
— Jonathan Chait (@jonathanchait) June 13, 2013
This is just wrong. Pizza Hut Canada introduces a poutine Pizza.
— Karen Grepin (@KarenGrepin) June 13, 2013
@pegobry @nothingsmonstrd @delong Gravel v US. Wasn't arrested but they tried to subpoena his aides. SC ruled for Gravel.
— Chad Chavez (@ChadAChavez) June 13, 2013
.@pegobry I§6: and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place.
— J. Bradford DeLong (@delong) June 13, 2013
@delong's stimulus rule from @EconomicPolicy's 2009 panel on recovery was spend more til Fed funds & Treasuries rise
— Andrew Fieldhouse (@A_Fieldhouse) June 12, 2013
They are especially concerned about women getting to “use” rape as some kind of “get an abortion free!” card.
— Lisa McIntire (@LisaMcIntire) June 12, 2013
If only Barack Obama, Tim Geithner, and Ben Bernanke had listened to us in 9/09, how much better the world would be!
— J. Bradford DeLong (@delong) June 12, 2013
Anyone need a column for tomorrow? [COPY-PASTES A DAVID SIMON BLOG POST INTO BLANK DOCUMENT, ADDS "EXACTLY"], gimme my check
— Jim Newell (@jim_newell) June 12, 2013
@felixsalmon I was drinking a d'Armailhac out of a plastic cup Friday night. Tasted great. Not especially big…
— J. Bradford DeLong (@delong) June 12, 2013
— J. Bradford DeLong (@delong) June 12, 2013
No way to say this that doesn't sound dickish, but it is crazymaking to watch people become instant experts on the thing you do full time.
— Julian Sanchez (@normative) June 12, 2013
@joshtpm Not at all. Underlying what one thinks of Snowden is that Govt you're defending has lied abt program repeatedly under oath.
— emptywheel (@emptywheel) June 11, 2013
Anthony Scaramucci is single-handedly resuscitating the moribund hedge fund folly section of my blog.
— Epicurean Dealmaker (@EpicureanDeal) June 11, 2013
"to conclude that paths towards better entrepreneurship policies are clear" is easy but wrong via @delong
— Rajesh (@rajesh_v) June 9, 2013
Iain M. Banks died this morning. Worlds of infinite possibility seem far more finite and much more unlikely today. #thecultureremembers
— Scott Eric Kaufman (@scottekaufman) June 9, 2013
In Dulles UAL lounge listening to 4 US intel officials saying loudly leaker & reporter on #NSA stuff should be disappeared recorded a bit
— Steve Clemons (@SCClemons) June 8, 2013
“.@billmon1: @jbouie @armandodkos Trust me, you're not seeing me angry. This is just exasperation.” <--So now Billmon = Mongo...
— J. Bradford DeLong (@delong) June 8, 2013