Josh Barro: Don't Believe the Cato Institute: Welfare Does Not Really Pay Better Than Work: Noted for August 25, 2013
The Washington Post's Dana Milbank Has a Dark Night of the Soul…

Paul Krugman: The (Lack of) Utility of Close Reading: Noted for August 25, 2013

Paul Krugman: The (Lack of) Utility of Close Reading: :

In general, what people thought Keynes or Friedman meant ends up being more important than what they turn out, on close reading, to (maybe, possibly) actually have meant. For what it’s worth, I think Glasner makes a good case that Friedman was indeed more or less a Keynesian, or maybe Hicksian--certainly that was the message everyone took from his Monetary Framework, which was disappointingly conventional. And Friedman’s attempts to claim that Keynes added little that wasn’t already in a Chicago oral tradition don’t hold up well either.
