Wonkette Sends Us to the Bizarrest Craziest of the Bizarre Crazy Crazies...
Wonkette commits a crime against humanity by sending us to Sarah Hoyt--endorsed by Glenn Reynolds!
And here are her first four particulars:
I am Spartacus because they think a hellish mix of Brave New World and 1984 is a consummation devoutly to be hoped for.
I am Spartacus because I have two sons and might have grandchildren. For the generations uncounted ahead, mine or others, with my blood or not, I am Spartacus so they don’t have to live with a boot stomping on a human face forever.
I am Spartacus because our institutions are being corrupted, our system of checks and balances ignored, and we’re being ruled by Imperial Dictate by a blind man who sees the world through instruments and his instrument is an ideology made of Hegelian dialectic and fury signifying nothing and leading to death.
I am Spartacus because our betters have decided that the national debt no longer needs to be reported and that it will now simply be copy pasted from the total about two weeks ago, forever. And because they believe this can go on forever.
It gets much crazier later on. But when it is pointed out that the first factual statement she makes is totally wrong, she will rethink and repent, right?
But I will try anyway:
Treasury Direct: http://www.treasurydirect.gov/NP/debt/current
Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application): To find the total public debt outstanding on a specific day or days, simply select a single date or date range and click on the 'Find History' button. The data on total public debt outstanding is available daily from 01/04/1993 through 08/15/2013. The debt held by the public versus intragovernmental holdings data is available:
- Yearly (on a fiscal basis) from 09/30/1997 through 09/30/2001.
- Monthly from 09/30/2001 through 03/31/2005
- Daily from 03/31/2005 through 08/15/2013
Fox News, you have an awful lot to answer for…