Matthew Yglesias: Ted Cruz and Green Eggs and Ham: Texas senator didn't understand a very liberal speech: Noted
Matthew Yglesias: Ted Cruz and Green Eggs and Ham: Texas senator didn't understand a very liberal speech.:
As part of his fake filibuster today, Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) read aloud the text of Dr. Seuss's book Green Eggs and Ham. It's a strange choice of author for a conservative senator. Admittedly, Green Eggs and Ham lacks the overt left-wing politics of a Butter Battle Book or The Lorax but this is still a progressive book. In broad strokes, it's a book advocating openness to experience--one of the key moral dimensions on which liberals and conservatives differ…. The narrator keeps insisting that he hates green eggs and ham, but he's never had green eggs and ham. When he finally tries them—he likes them! Conservatives like Cruz… instead of acting like they're confident that the voter backlash… will power them to victories in 2014 and 2016, they're engaging in flailing desperate tactics to make sure nobody tries the green eggs and ham. Because deep down they fear that Dr. Seuss was right.