Richard Muller and the New York Times on Estimating the State of the Climate: Department of Whiskey-Tango-Foxtrot-Bang-Query-Bang-Query Weblogging
Matthew Yglesias: Ted Cruz and Green Eggs and Ham: Texas senator didn't understand a very liberal speech: Noted

Noted for Your Morning Procrastination for September 27, 2013

  1. "Whenever the legislature attempts to regulate… its counsellors are always the masters…. [Thus] regulation… in favour of the workmen… is always just and equitable; but… otherwise when in favour of the masters": Corey Robin: Adam Smith: The Wealth of Nations
  2. "The rich… who does nothing but give a few directions lives in far greater state and luxury… than his clerks who do all the business… [who] are in a state of ease and plenty far superior to that of the artizan… [whose] labour… is pretty tolerable… if we compare him with the poor labourer…. Thus he who as it were supports the whole frame of society and furnishes the means of the convenience and ease of all the rest is himself possessed of a very small share and is buried in obscurity": via Corey Robin: Adam Smith: Lectures on Jurisprudence
  3. "Sources on Reuters’ digital side said there was flat opposition to making the consumer-facing product as good or better than Reuters’ terminal and subscription products. Of the decision to kill Reuters Next, a different former employee said that “the direction the company now wants to go in is about giving power back to the profit centers and abandoning any innovation on the consumer side.” A Reuters representative would not comment… referred to the memo Rashbass wrote announcing the shuttering of Reuters Next. Freeland did not respond… saying that she would only speak to BuzzFeed’s editor-in-chief or business editor": Matthew Zeitlin: How Chrystia Freeland Hastened Reuters Next's Demise
  4. "So, how much of our depressed economy can be explained by the bad fiscal policy? To a first approximation, all of it": Paul Krugman: The Depressed Economy Is All About Austerity
  5. "No one can guarantee that Prime Minister Li Keqiang’s attempts to achieve deleveraging and structural reform will succeed. Moreover, external shocks, policy mistakes, and political instability could disrupt even the best-laid plans. In any case, China’s stellar growth record cannot be sustained. Even if it manages a “soft landing,” annual output growth will slow to 5-6% in the coming decades…. China may be able to rely on policy reforms to boost productivity growth; but, with relatively low innovative capacity, it will struggle to catch up with frontier technologies. China’s inevitable growth slowdown, along with a large tail risk, threatens stable growth in Asian economies that have become increasingly interdependent"": Jong-Wha Lee: Asia’s Rebalancing Act
  6. "Reading The Handmaid’s Tale at an impressionable age wasn’t like reading a contemporary YA dystopian novel; there was certainly nothing in it about navigating the seemingly arbitrary obstacles of adolescence. What it did prepare me for was the realization that even in our supposedly egalitarian society, a woman’s body and what she does (or doesn’t) with it are still an enormous source of controversy": Karin Kross: The Careful Leveraging of Fear: The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood


Plus: Long:

John Knox: The Forgotten Memoir of John Knox: A Year [1936-1937] in the Life of Supreme Court Justice [James MacReynolds] | Narayana Kocherlakota: A Time of Testing | Thomas Piketty and Gabriel Zucman: Capital is back!: Rising wealth-to-income ratios, inequality, and growth |

Plus: Short:

(25) Philz Coffee :: Civic Center | John Scalzi: Popular Science Kills Online Comments | Joe Gagnon: The Key To Power At The Federal Reserve? Running The Meetings | Robinson Meyer: Your Story Is Ready: Medium Experiments With the Homepage of the Future | Tim Taylor: Shipping the Good Apples Out |
