Liveblogging World War II: October 13, 1943
Joe Tripcony: I'm Really for Single Payer, But I'm Against Anything That Negro Proposes: Noted

Noted for Your Morning Procrastination for October 13, 2013

  1. "[Milton] Friedman concludes… 'licensure has reduced both the quantity and quality of medical practice… reduced the opportunities available to people who would like to be physicians… retarded technological development both in medicine itself and in the organization of medical practice. I conclude that licensure should be eliminated…' Friedman has fewer objections to certification, which practically means that no one without the education and training of a physician could call himself or herself an M.D…. Friedman’s observations find an echo in the current debate over professional licensure": Uwe Reinhardt: The Dubious Case for Professional Licensing
  2. "Markets can reinforce incentives to exploit power, but they also create powerful incentives & mechanisms for changing the distribution of power. The rise of the middle class & the flattening of social status are market-era phenomena, reinforced by the incentive to look past whatever social differences you have with other market participants & use them to make money": Joe Colluci: Wonk in a Kilt
  3. Allan Quatermain and the Skewed Inflation Statistics


Plus: Long:

Virginia Postrel | Barry Eichengreen: Japan Rising?: Shinzo Abe's Excellent Adventure | Sean Carroll: Don’t Start None, Won’t Be None |

Plus: Short:

Economic Policy Institute: Missing Workers: The Missing Part of the Unemployment Story | Adam Hersh: In a World Without Austerity…/a> | Chye-Ching Huang: GOP Senators Revive Fake Offset for Medical Device Tax |
