Michael Yarvitz: Rand Paul and the disappearing transcripts: Noted
What Is Wrong with the Cruel, Vicious Brutes Who Are the Ruling Politicians of Oklahoma?: Too Heartbreaking to Comment on, on So Many Levels: Live from the Roasterie XXVI: November 5, 2013

John Amato: Republican Voter ID Laws Disenfranchise Former Speaker Of The House Jim Wright: Noted

John Amato: Republican Voter ID Laws Disenfranchise Former Speaker Of The House Jim Wright:

Republicans who have been changing the voter ID laws to disenfranchise American voters have always responded by saying they just want to root out voter fraud. They haven't found any voter fraud, but that's beside the point.... Wright and his assistant, Norma Ritchson, went to the DPS office on Woodway Drive to get a State of Texas Election Identification Certificate. Wright said he realized earlier in the week that the photo identifications he had--a Texas driver’s license that expired in 2010 and a TCU faculty ID--do not satisfy requirements of the voter ID law, enacted in 2011 by the Legislature. DPS officials concurred.... Texas officials are saying all a person has to do if they have an issue is cast a provisional ballot and then get it verified within six days. Six-whole-days.

Tarrant County Elections Administrator Steve Raborn said Saturday that people who might find themselves in a similar situation should cast a provisional ballot and obtain identification needed to “cure” it within six days. That must be very easy to do if you're the elderly who have trouble getting around, the Poors or minorities? What could be the problem? I'm sure Republicans tested out their system thoroughly before launching it. All voter ID laws are un-American and a disgrace to the US constitution.
