We Have a New Front Page at Equitable Growth!: Wednesday Focus: May 28, 2014
It is here: Homepage
It has lots of new stuff on it. Let me especially recommend:
Jesse Rothstein: Extended unemployment insurance remains critical: "New analyses of recent data covering unemployed workers during the Great Recession...
...and its aftermath indicate that the impact of unprecedented extensions of Unemployment Insurance on job uptake were smaller than previously thought while the benefits were extremely important to maintaining family incomes. The program helped sustain families and communities during an unusually long period of weak labor demand, helping to promote long-term labor market resiliency and higher future prosperity by helping the long-term unemployed remain out of poverty and attached to the labor market. Extended Unemployment Insurance benefits expired at the end of 2013, and Congress is now considering whether and how to reinstate them. The new data and analysis detailed in this issue brief—based on the roll-out of extended benefits in 2008-2010 and the roll-back that began in late 2011—indicate that... the downsides of UI extensions are smaller than in past economic downturns, and there are some previously unanticipated upsides...
Extending UI benefits for the long-term unemployed is one of the largest, ripest pieces of low-hanging economic-policy fruit that we are not picking right now.
And let me especially recommend, from my step-second-cousin:
Ariel Kalil: Economic inequality and the parenting time divide: "Researchers have not until recently thought about parents’ time investments in children...
...as a mechanism for the intergenerational transmission of economic status.... Jonathan Guryan and his colleagues used data from national time diaries to show that mothers with a college education or greater spend roughly 4.5 hours more per week directly interacting with their children than mothers with a high school degree or less.... My own national time use research, with... Rebecca Ryan and... Michael Corey, finds... [that] highly educated parents not only spend more time... they spend that time differently... shift the composition of their time as the child grows in ways that adapt to children’s development at different developmental stages... preschool... reading and problem solving... middle school... management of children’s life outside the home.... We still don’t know precisely why these patterns have emerged...
And we have even more stuff on it:
Understanding how raising the federal minimum wage affects income inequality and economic growth * A Video of an Event with Thomas Piketty, Author of “Capital in the 21st Century"” * Taxes as policy: A Review of "Capital in the 21st Century: * “Expanding Economic Opportunity for Women and Families” * Thomas Piketty’s big book: What do you really need to know? * Extended unemployment insurance remains critical * Piketty’s data deserve better analysis * The aftermath of wage collusion in Silicon Valley * Economic inequality and the parenting time divide * Can letting kids watch TV make them better students?
Value Added:
Separate and unequal mobility * Holding inequality in reserve * Heather Boushey reviews "House of Debt" * Tax cuts for the kids * Unequal higher education * The evidence on the minimum wage * Senator Marco Rubio’s retirement plan * Bailouts for bankers or homeowners?