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California's Uninsured Cut in Half Under Obamacare: Live from La Farine CCXXIII: July 22, 2014

NewImageAdrian Florido: California's uninsured cut in half under Obamacare, survey finds | 89.3 KPCC:

The percentage of uninsured Californians has been cut in half since the federal health law began expanding coverage nine months ago, according to a new national survey. In September of 2013, 22 percent of California adults were uninsured. By last month, that number had fallen to just 11 percent, the biggest drop among the nation’s six largest states. The survey of more than 4,400 people by the Commonwealth Fund, a national healthcare foundation, also found that nationwide, the uninsured rate fell from 20 percent to 15 percent during the same period.... The Commonwealth Fund survey found that 61 percent of those who were newly insured said they felt better off thanks to their new coverage. And nearly four out of five said they were somewhat or very satisfied with their new coverage.

The survey also found that since last year, awareness of the Affordable Care Act has increased significantly, although that awareness still lags among poorer Americans. For example, more than half of the poorest people surveyed still did not know that the federal health law makes subsidies available to help pay for health insurance.

I must say that where the rubber meets the road this thing is doing somewhat better than I expected back at the end of 2009. But the big question will be: what will be the deltas for health and economic security?
