Afternoon Must-Read: Carter Price: Why Should Policymakers Care About Economic Inequality?
Liveblogging the Cuban Missile Crisis: Telegram From the Embassy in the Soviet Union to the Department of State: Hoisted from the Non-Internet of 52 Years Ago

Afternoon Must-Read: Nick Bunker: Piketty, Rognlie, Karabarbounis and Neiman, and the Elasticity of Substitution | LARS P. SYLL

Nick Bunker: Piketty and the Elasticity of Substitution: "A particularly technical and effective critique of Piketty is from Matt Rognlie....

...Loukas Karabarbounis and Brent Neiman... show that the gross labor share and the net labor share move in the same direction when the shift is caused by a technological shock... point out that the gross and net elasticities are on the same side of 1.... Rognlie’s point about these two elasticities being lower than 1 doesn’t hold up if capital is gaining due to a new technology that makes capital cheaper...
