Over at Equitable Growth: Suppose--Counterfactual World--That the U.S. Had Avoided Large-Scale QE since the Start of 2010...
Interesting Things I Shoulda Written About When They Were Published, But Didn't: David Frum Pleads for Mercy for the Reformicons...

Anyone Still Supporting Mitch McConnell for Senate Has No Shame at All: Live from teh Roasterie

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Mitch McConnell: Study shows Kentucky among national leaders in lowering uninsured rate because of Affordable Care Act: "As you know, Medicaid existed before Obamacare...

...The state operated Medicaid before Obamacare. The state can continue to operate Medicaid after Obamacare. There were online health insurance marketplaces before Obamacare. There are several non-Obamacare insurance sales websites now that are not part of Obamacare. There can be online insurance sales without Obamacare. Obamacare did not create the ability to buy insurance online—people have been doing that for years. Obamacare did not create Medicaid. Medicaid has been available for nearly (50) years...

Of course, repealing ObamaCare would immediately shrink Kentucky Medicaid enrollment by nearly half a million, and quadruple online-insurance costs for those Kentuckians receiving subsidies...

As I have said and will continue to say: there is something wrong with anyone who publicly supports today's Republican Party without having an immediate, practical plan for utterly transforming it root-and-branch into something else.

And as I have said and will continue to say: there is something very wrong with anyone who votes for the candidates of today's Republican Party.
