Liveblogging the American Revolution: November 29, 1776: Battle of Fort Cumberland
Morning Must-Read: Simon Wren-Lewis: Understanding Anti-Keynesians

Anti-Civilization and Civilization in the Missouri Valley

Kris Kobach: Obama's Lawlessness Could Lead To 'Ethnic Cleansing' In America: "The long term strategy of, first of all, replacing American voters with illegal aliens, recently legalized, who then become U.S. citizens. There is still a decided bias in favor of bigger government not smaller government. So maybe this strategy of replacing American voters with newly legalized aliens, if you look at it through an ethnic lens... you've got a locked in vote for socialism...

Q: What happens, if you know your history, when one culture or one race or one religion overwhelms another culture or race? When one race or culture overwhelms another culture, they run them out or they kill them.'

Kobach: What protects us in America from any kind of ethnic cleansing is the rule of law, of course. And the rule of law used to be unassailable, used to be taken for granted in America. And now, of course, we have a President who disregards the law when it suits his interests. And, so, you know, while I normally would answer that by saying, 'Steve, of course we have the rule of law, that could never happen in America,' I wonder what could happen. I still don't think it’s going to happen in America, but I have to admit, that things are, things are strange and they're happening...

The Kansas City Star: President Obama’s bold immigration plan will boost America’s future: "As Republicans continue their tiresome attack on immigration reform...

...President Barack Obama commendably is getting ready to put in place a more humane and more forward-looking policy for this country.... Obama’s proposed actions are so sensible it’s a shame Congress hasn’t acted on them already. They are championed by a number of business groups and even some voices on the right. Now that Obama appears ready to take action, we’re hearing the same protests from House Speaker John Boehner and many other Republicans. They appear more interested in appeasing the most strident base of their voters than in looking toward the future of a more diverse and productive America. Already there’s irresponsible talk of trying to shut down the government if Obama pursues his immigration policies...
